Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Occupational Fields

After completing the Master's studies in International Business Management - Finance, Accounting, Control, Taxation, you will start your career in the fields of finance, accounting, controlling and taxation. You will have professional, social and leadership skills in an international environment and, as a result, you can take on cross-national and cross-cultural capital procurement, controlling and consulting activities. The Master's degree programme International Business Management - Finance, Accounting, Control, Taxation prepares students for these activities in private companies, public administrations and other organisations that, preferably, operate internationally. Through good command of English and the experience gained during your semester abroad, you will be able to act confidently on an international level and communicate with an understanding towards other cultural environments. Accordingly, you will feel at home in both national and international companies.

The degree programme is especially designed for students who want to prepare themselves for the international challenges in accounting, controlling and finance or who wish to continue their education to become a certified public accountant or tax advisor.


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