Application and admission
The Physiotherapy degree programme is an admission-restricted programme. This means that only a limited number of places at university are available. In order to be able to apply for a degree programme, you must meet certain admission requirements. We will be happy to explain to you which requirements you need to fulfil and how you can then apply for a place at university.
Prüfungsordnung Bachelorstudiengänge Physiotherapie | ausbildungsbegleitend bzw. berufsbegleitend
Short description:
Prüfungsordnung für den dualen ausbildungsbegleitenden Bachelorstudiengang „Physiotherapie“ und den berufsbegleitenden Bachelorstudiengang „Physiotherapie“ an der FH Aachen in Kooperation mit der Medizinischen Fakultät der Rheinisch-Westfälisch Technischen Hochschule Aachen und der Physiotherapieschule des Universitätsklinikums Aachen (UK Aachen)Admission requirements for the degree programme
(Kopie 2)
In addition to the general admission requirements, the other requirements for the degree programme Physiotherapy with training as a phyiotherapist and physiotherapist are explained below.
Physiotherapy with training as a physiotherapist
1. application for a training position at the physiotherapy school of the UK Aachen
Please apply to the School of Physiotherapy at Aachen University Hospital for a training place first.
The application deadline is the end of February each year for the course starting in October of the same year.
For an application to the School of Physiotherapy, please only send the application form of the training centre:
You only make your application for a place at university after you have successfully completed your first year of physiotherapy training. If you fulfil all admission requirements (university entrance qualification and proof of a training contract), we will then guarantee you a place at university.