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Physiotherapy (extra-occupational) B.Sc.

Training or extra-occupational Bachelor of Science programme

For a long time, physiotherapy was a traditional training profession. Most of the more than 100,000 physiotherapists in Germany did not study at a university, but were trained at a vocational college. FH Aachen is one of the first universities in Germany to offer physiotherapy as a dual Bachelor's degree programme in two variants, together with the Faculty of Medicine at RWTH Aachen University and in cooperation with the University Hospital Aachen (UKA): Firstly, extra-occupational with training as a physiotherapist at the UKA's School of Physiotherapy and secondly, as an extra-occupational variant for physiotherapists who have already completed their state examination.

The advantages are great: with a university certificate in your pocket, you can climb the career ladder much more easily. There are also no more hurdles when changing jobs abroad, as a degree is common in many countries and is therefore a standard requirement for applications. However, research is particularly important: only those who learn scientific work at university can carry out well-founded research work. And this is urgently needed in physiotherapy.

Degree Programme Physiotherapy B.Sc. (integrated training or extra-occupational)

Medical Engineering and Technomathematics
Location of Study
Jülich (and Aachen)
Start of Studies
each winter semester
Prescribed Period of Study

6 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language
Access Requirements

Admission is possible if, in addition to the university entrance qualification, you can provide proof of an apprenticeship contract as an officially recognised physiotherapist at the Physiotherapy School of the University Hospital Aachen (Physiotherapieschule des Universitätsklinikums Aachen) and have successfully completed the first year of training.


University entrance qualification as well as proof of having passed the state examination to become a physiotherapist (degree with a grade of 2.5 or better).


directly to FH Aachen

Examination Regulations Physiotherapy

All information about the degree programme

occupational fields
Programme content
Study programme variants

Informationen für Erstsemesterstudierende

Der Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik läd alle Erstsemesterstudierenden zu den diesjährigen Orientierungstagen am 26.09.2024 und 27.09.2024 am Campus Jülich ein. Diese werden von der ErstSemesterArbeit (ESA) in Zusammenarbeit mit den Fachschaften Jülich organisiert und durchgeführt. Detailierte Informationen entnehmen Sie dem Ablaufplan.

Wir empfehlen Ihnen unbedingt an diesen Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen, Sie erhalten wichtige Informationen für einen guten Start ins Studium.

Wichtige sowie spezifischen Informationen zum Studiengang Physiotherapie finden Sie im ILIAS (Login erforderlich).

Head of degree programme

Albracht, Kirsten, Prof. Dr.

Teaching Subject: Biomechanik und Rehabilitationstechnik insbesondere in der Physiotherapie
Fachbereich 9 - Medizintechnik und Technomathematik
Institute - Institut für Bioengineering (IFB)

Teaching Subject

Biomechanik und Rehabilitationstechnik insbesondere in der Physiotherapie
Room 00P09
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Bünte, Katrin M.A.

Photo  Katrin Bünte M.A.
Fachbereich 9 - Medizintechnik und Technomathematik
Heinrich-Mußmann-Straße 1
Room CJ00P11
52428 Jülich

further Links

Schedule of Events

Academic Counselling Service

Bünte, Katrin M.A.

Photo  Katrin Bünte M.A.
Fachbereich 9 - Medizintechnik und Technomathematik
Heinrich-Mußmann-Straße 1
Room CJ00P11
52428 Jülich

further Links

Schedule of Events