Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Online Mathematics Bridge Course OMB+

Perfect preparation with the OMB+

With the Online Mathematics Bridge Course (OMB+) you can optimally prepare for a degree programme with integrated compulsory mathematics courses. These degree programmes include engineering , economics, natural and computer sciences, medicine, mathematics and all technical subjects.

Twelve German universities have joined forces to create the concept and content - with the assistance of integral-learning GmbH. More than 20 universities recommend the OMB+ to first-year students as preparation for their studies
The OMB+ aims to refresh mathematics knowledge from school and provide the necessary confidence in dealing with mathematical concepts and applying basic procedures.

The OMB+ consists of explanatory texts with many examples, interactive pictures, exercises and tests on which you can test your skills yourself. All terms are explained in the course. You do not need any additional aids.

This is how the online course works

The way of working is very flexible. You work when, where and how often you want. You only need an internet connection with a standard browser. You can choose to learn alone or together with other course participants in a virtual tutorial. Every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. - including weekends - specially trained tutors are available at the OMB+ call centre to answer any questions you may have about the course.

If you have a German Abitur (university entrance qualification) or equivalent, you will need approximately 60 hours to complete the course. After completing the course, you will be well prepared for the mathematics courses of your degree programme and can now fully concentrate on the new and fascinating content of modern university mathematics.

To complement the OMB+, we recommend attending our face-to-face pre-courses.

To the OMB+

Call Center

The Call Centre can be reached daily from 10am-8pm:
by email: ombplusmumie.net
by phone: +49 (0)30 6640 7267