Successful students are our goal and reward; motivation, learning and study success of our students are central concerns for us; excellent teaching and learning are our focus.
We promote motivation and learning success through application-oriented and problem-based teaching with a scientific foundation.
We support professional qualification and learning success by designing our curricula in terms of content and organisation, which also takes into account the development of personal competences. Our degree programmes address the needs of a modern and international working world; we offer attractive degree programmes with good career prospects.
We support prospective students and students with diversity-appropriate counselling, support and course offerings that are adapted to the phases of study. We expect students to be active and committed learners themselves and to be involved in the design of teaching and learning processes.
We expect teachers to be committed to teaching, to be involved in the development and design of degree programmes and to support a continuous improvement process.
We promote the motivation and further training of staff of all status groups through appropriate measures.
We promote the international mobility of teachers and students.
All members and affiliates of the university contribute in their own way to the success of teaching and support the teaching staff in the performance of their tasks.
We regularly evaluate our offers and measures and jointly shape their further development.
Appreciation, respect and fairness form the basis of constructive cooperation between all members of the university.