Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Contact us

To the department

FH Aachen
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Hohenstaufenallee 6
52064 Aachen

T +49.241.6009 52410
F +49.241.6009 52680

Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 07:00 - 20:30
Sat: 09:00 - 16:30

To FH Aachen

FH Aachen
Bayernallee 11
52066 Aachen

P.O. Box10 05 60
52005 Aachen

T +49.241.6009 0
F +49.241.6009 51090

Further contacts

Examination Office

Claudia Bergstein- van Griensven
Room O0101
Hohenstaufenallee 6
52064 Aachen
T: +49.241.6009 52386
F: +49.241.6009 52680

Theresa Ludwig
Room O0101/0102
Hohenstaufenallee 6
52064 Aachen
T: +49.241.6009 52322
F: +49.241.6009 52680

E-mail address: pruefungsamt.fb6(at)fh-aachen.de

To the Examination Office

The following opening hours apply until further notice:

Office hours
Monday - Thursday
and by appointment

Department of International Affairs of the FH Aachen

Bayernallee 11
52066 Aachen

At the Student Service Centre
Bus stop "Bayernallee": Bus 11, 21, 46, SB63

T +49.241.6009 51018/52839
F +49.241 6009 52829

To the Department of International Affairs

Opening hours:
Mon., Tue., Thu. 9.00 to 11.30 a.m. and by appointment

As not all contacts are always available during opening hours, we recommend making appointments by phone or email.

Registrar's Office

Study location Aachen:
Bayernallee 11,
1st floor (SSC), rooms 1016 + 1017 + 1018
52064 Aachen

Postal address:
FH Aachen
Registrar's Office
P.O. Box 100 560
52005 Aachen

T +49.241.6009 51620
F +49.241.6009 51606/51614

Opening hours at the Aachen campus:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 8.30 - 12.00;
and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13.30 - 15.00;

Wednesdays are closed!
(subject to change at short notice; see schedule)

Directions and further information.