Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Practical project | Final thesis

The practical project

A guide to the practical project

In the 7th semester, students on Bachelor's degree programmes must complete a practical project. Useful information on this has been summarised for you in a guide. | Read more

Find suitable companies

Find the right company for your practical project or practical semester: The Faculty of Civil Engineering recommends that students work on their practical project outside the university in a company. This approach ensures the best possible practical relevance for the project work.

The final thesis

Recommendations for writing scientific papers

The Faculty of Civil Engineering has drawn up recommendations for writing academic papers. Please take these recommendations into account when writing your student research projects and final theses. | Read more



The procedure for final theses:

  1. Application for admission with all documents digitally to the Examination Office.
  2. The Examination Office issues the assignment digitally.
  3. Submission digitally to the Examination Office and to examiners (print version if necessary, please consult with examiners).
  4. Appointment of the final colloquium via form with all signatures or via email, which shows that all parties involved in the examination (student, first examiner, second examiner and secretary) have agreed to the appointment.