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IV.4 | Resource and security management

The core tasks include advising the university management as well as those responsible and employees in the faculties, central facilities and Divisions in the above-mentioned areas of responsibility.

FH Aachen is a member of the Verein zur Pflege und Weiterentwicklung des Arbeits-, Gesundheits- und Umweltschutzmanagements e.V.!

The "AGUM system" is comparable to a management handbook in which information is made available digitally. It describes the legal requirements to be observed and offers direct or indirect support for their implementation.


Further information on all topics relating to safety at the university can also be found on our service pages for employees.


(Kopie 2)

Head of department

Dipl.-Ing. Jannik Hofmann
+49.241.6009 54009

Office building of the subject area
Campus Eupener Straße
Building B, 1st floor
Eupener Straße 70, 52066 Aachen

Postal address of the subject area:
FH Aachen - Chancellor
IV.4 - Resource and Security Management
Bayernallee 11, 52066 Aachen

Direct aids are, for example, sample documents or databases on the topics of occupational health and safety and environmental protection.

Indirect aids are, for example, action aids from accident insurance funds or other organisations.


The link is only accessible from the internal university network or via the BIB VPN!

Occupational health and safety

  • Advising university management, executives and employees on occupational health and safety
  • Regular inspections of workplaces at the university
  • Participation in the planning of university buildings and conversions
  • Executive Director of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee
  • Carrying out orientating workplace measurements (noise, light, climate)
  • Investigation of accidents at work
  • Advice on first aid
  • Co-operation with the company doctor
  • Participation in the implementation of preventive health care measures

Function mailbox:

Collective call:
+49.241.6009 51704


Mark Dieckmann, B.Sc.
+49.241.6009 51752

Dipl.-Ing. Christina Dopatka
+49.241.6009 54834

Saskia Krott, B.Sc.
+49.241.6009 51732

Dipl.-Ing. Christiane Reiners
+49.241.6009 51702

Dipl.-Ing.Jannik Hofmann
+49.241.6009 54009

Company medical care / university medical centre

The University Medical Centre is the occupational health facility of RWTH Aachen University, Aachen University Hospital, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences and the Aachen Student Union.

The team of doctors headed by Dr Doris Keller is largely qualified in occupational medicine. Together with medical assistants, medical-technical assistants, social pedagogues, a medical technician and Administrative Employee, the doctors realise the diverse work requirements.

  • Advising employers and employees on all matters relating to medical occupational health and safety
  • Support in the assessment of working conditions (risk assessment)
  • Examination and occupational health assessment of employees, recording and evaluation of examination results
  • Observation of occupational health and safety in the company, e.g. by inspecting workplaces.

University Medical Centre

+49 241 80 94444


Homepage of the HSA


Company health management

In order to better meet the changing requirements and conditions of today's working world, FH Aachen has introduced occupational health management.

Maintaining and promoting health is a cross-sectional task that is supported by various stakeholders at the university.

It is important to consider both perspectives - the health and performance of employees on the one hand, and strategy, structures and processes as well as the corporate culture on the other.

Click here for the company health management offers

Function mailbox


Dipl.Soz.-Päd. Sabine Gärtner-Schwadorf, M.A.
+49.241.6009 51355

Dipl.-Ing. Jannik Hofmann
+49.241.6009 54009

Fire protection

The fact that no fire breaks out in many buildings for decades does not prove that there is no danger, but represents a stroke of luck for those affected, the end of which must be expected at any time."

(Court judgement of the OVG Münster 10A 363/86 of 11.12.1987)


Our tasks in this area include

  • Preventive and structural fire protection
  • Participation in fire inspections by the fire brigade
  • Participation in inspections of the service centre at BLB NRW
  • Building inspection matters at BLB NRW
  • Fire protection training
  • Fire safety inspections

Function mailbox


Mark Dieckmann, B.Sc.
+49.241.6009 51752

Dipl.-Ing. Jannik Hofmann
+49.241.6009 54009

Waste disposal

  • Consultancy services for waste disposal
  • Management of the interim storage facilities in Aachen (Eupener Straße) and Campus Jülich
  • Organisation of waste transports

Function mailbox:


Dipl.-Ing.Gerda Walczuch
+49.241.6009 51712

Dipl.-Ing. Jannik Hofmann
+49.241.6009 54009

Environmental protection

  • Genetic engineering enclosures
  • Immission control

Hazardous substance officers

  • Advice for those responsible for handling hazardous and biological substances
  • Orientation measurements for hazardous and biological substances
  • Participation in inspections of laboratories with activities involving hazardous and biological substances
  • Maintaining the central register of hazardous substances

Hazardous goods officer (except class 7)

  • Advice on the transport of hazardous goods
  • Training of authorised persons

Water protection

  • Water sampling

Function mailbox


Dipl.-Ing.Christina Dopatka
+49.241.6009 54834

Dipl.-Ing.Christiane Reiners
+49.241.6009 51702

Dipl.-Ing.Jannik Hofmann
+49.241.6009 54009