Topics for Thesises

Topics for Thesises and Student Projects (B.Eng. and M.Eng.)

There are many current topics for your thesis or student project available, especially in the area of digital information transmission and wireless communications. Many of the hardware-based works use signal processor boards equipped with Texas Instruments TMS320C2000 and TMS320C6000 high performance DSPs as well as analoge frontends (quadrature mixers, A/D-converters, filter banks etc.). The software-based exams usually deal with DSP-programming (C/C++ and assembler language). Furthermore there are themes available from the field of simulation of transmission systems (using MATLAB/SIMULINK) and communications networks (esp. mobile networks) (Visual C/C++, Opnet).

Please contact us if you are interested in one of these topics. We will find a topic 'made-to measure' for your exam, for sure!

Thesises/projects from the area of 'Wireless Communications'

Modern life cannot possibly be imagined without wireless communications.


We develop components for wireless communications systems in certain areas (mobile radio, satellite radio, radio broadcasting, near field communications, directional radio,…).

Thesises/projects from the area of 'Channel Emulation'

For testing transmission systems like e.g. radio transceivers, DSL (digital subscriber line) modems, PLC (power line communications) modems and many more, it is required to have access to reproducible and precisely specified transmission channels. Tests in real environments are subject to statistic changes/fluctuation which make comparative measurements difficult. Therefore it is desirable to conduct examinations in the lab under very well defined boundary conditions. As a prerequisite (hardware- or software-) channel emulators are used which can model the specific transmission channel in the lab.

There are various examination/project works of this subject area available (B.Eng. und M.Eng.). Examples are:

•  development of FPGA boards

•  microcontroller boards and related software

•  frontends for various areas (radio communications, DSL, electrical power grid…)

•  development of FPGA software (in VHDL)

Thesises/projects from the area of 'Software Defined Radio'

Software Radios are transceivers that allow to code/decode and process radio signals completely in software by using DSPs and/or reconfigurable hardware (FPGAs). By this maximum flexibility is achieved and in principle every imaginable signal respectively waveform can be synthesized/generated or demodulated/decoded.

There are various examination/project works of this subject area available (B.Eng. und M.Eng.). Examples are:

•  development of fast A/D- and D/A-converters

•  processor boards using TMS320 digital signal processors

•  digital up- and down-converters

•  RF frontends (filters, mixers, amplifiers)