

The timetable and classroom location for WS 2024/25 can be found here.

Information regarding subscription to lab exercises can be found here for the summer and winter term

Electrical Measurement Technology (EMT)

Semester: 3 (ET-Bachelor)

  • Terminology, Calibration Chain, Measuring Deviations, Measurement Error and Uncertainties,
  • Static and Dynamic Behaviour of Instruments, Accuracy Specification,
  • Electromechanic Instruments, Digital Measuring Systems,
  • DC Current and DC Voltage Measurement,
  • AC Current and AC Voltage Measurement, Measuring Transformer,
  • Power Measurement in DC, AC and Three-Phase Systems,
  • Energy Measurement,
  • Resistance Measurement, Measurement Bridges for Resistance Sensors
  • Impedance Measurement,
  • Oscilloscopes, Probes,
  • Digital Time and Frequency Measurement,
  • Spectrum Analysis.

Script, Lab


Information Transmission (AÜT/DÜT)

Semester: 4 (Analog Inf. Tr., AÜT) resp. 5 (Digital Inf. Tr., DÜT), Bachelor

Analog an digital parts can be selected independently although it's recommended to hear AÜT first.

Analog: signals & systems, transmission media, noise, signal distortion, analog modulation schemes, transmitters and receivers, information theory, source coding

Digital: digitising analog source signals, PCM, digital baseband transmission, PAM, optimum filter, synchronisation, channel equalisation, digital modulation schemes, bit error rate, eye diagrams

Script, Textbook, Lab

Mobile Radio Communications

Semester: 1 (Master, summer term)

mobile propagation channel, fading, delay spread, doppler spectrum, diversity, cellular network design, cochannel- and adjacent channel interference, radio network planning, spectral efficiency, channel assignment schemes, modulation schemes, channel equalisation, error control schemes, source and channel coding, multiple access schemes, GSM: system architecture, information transmission, mobility management, encryption and authentication, ...; cordless telephones, satellite radio, paging systemes, trunked radio, UMTS: spread spectrum technique, CDMA, log. uand physical channels, coding, network design, LTE,...; WLANs ; car-2-X

Script, Textbook 1, Textbook 2, Textbook 3, Lab

Telecommunications Networks

Semester: 2 (Master, winter term)

networks, services, protocols, switching technology, queueing theory, wide area networks, PSTN, ISDN, ATM, PDH, SDH, network access techniques, xDSL, power line communications


Satellite Communications

Semester: 1/2 (Master, summer or winter term)

Keplerian orbits and their calculation, perturbations, satellite radio channel, link budget, availableness, antennas, antenna orientation, multiple access, synchronisation, satellite networks and network operators


Wireless Transmission

Semester: 4 (Bachelor NT, elective)



Adaptive Communications

Semester: 1/2 (Master NT, elective)

