

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Bernecker


Essays in Empirical Political Economics

Bernecker, Andreas (2014)
2014. - XI, 174 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.

Magazine article

The Role of Electoral Incentives for Policy Innovation: Evidence from the US Welfare Reform

Bernecker, Andreas ; Boyer, Pierre C. ; Gathmann, Christina (2021)
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Nashville, Tenn. : American Economic Association. 13 (2021), H. 2. Seite: 26 - 57

Sustaining high performance beyond public-sector pilot projects.

Bernecker, Andreas ; Klier, Julia ; Stern, Sebastian ; Thiel, Lea (2018)
. (2018), H. September 2018.

Divided we reform? Evidence from US welfare policies

Bernecker, Andreas (2016)
Journal of Public Economics. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 142 (2016). Seite: 24 - 38

Do politicians shirk when reelection is certain? Evidence from the German parliament

Bernecker, Andreas (2014)
European Journal of Political Economy. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 36 (2014). Seite: 55 - 70

Divided Government and the Adoption of Economic Reforms

Bernecker, Andreas (2014)
CESifo DICE Report - Journal for Institutional Comparison. München : Ifo Institute for Economic Research. 12 (2014), H. 4. Seite: 47 - 52

A European Private Company: Is Europe’s single legal form for SMEs close to approval?

Bernecker, Andreas (2010)
Research Briefing. Frankfurt a. M. : Deutsche Bank Research. (2010).

Other publications

Strategische Gestaltung von Studiengängen für die Zukunft: Ein kollaborativ entwickeltes Self-Assessment

Barnat, Miriam ; Arntz, Kristian ; Bernecker, Andreas ; Fissabre, Anke ; Franken, Norbert ; Goldbach, Daniel ; Hüning, Felix ; Jörissen, Jörg ; Kirsch, Ansgar ; Pettrak, Jürgen ; Rexforth, Matthias ; Josef, Rosenkranz ; Terstegge, Andreas (2024)
Hochschulforum Digitalisierung - Diskussionspapier. Berlin : Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft- 16 Seiten

The Role of Electoral Incentives for Policy Innovation: Evidence from the US Welfare Reform

Bernecker, Andreas ; Boyer, Pierre ; Gathmann, Christina (2018)
CESifo Working Paper. - 60