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Schüler:innenstipendium NRWTalente

What is NRWTalente?

NRWTalente is a scholarship programme for pupils in the Aachen region (StädteRegion Aachen, districts of Düren, Heinsberg and Euskirchen) that accompanies high-achieving young people of all school types from the 8th grade onwards with practical offers, regular counselling and support as well as individual talent promotion. We support our scholarship holders in discovering their potential and talent, developing it to the best of their ability and successfully shaping their own path.

Commitment, talent and willingness to perform should be able to unfold and enrich our society regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion as well as educational biography and parents' income. NRWTalente wants to make a contribution here.
The programme has already been running successfully in the Ruhr region since 2016 and is permanently funded there by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The scholarship programme is unique in this form in Germany.

Wer wird durch das NRWTalente-Stipendium gefördert?

  • die in der StädteRegion Aachen oder den Kreisen Düren, Heinsberg oder Euskirchen zur Schule gehen
  • die mindestens die 8. Klasse besuchen (die Schulform spielt keine Rolle) und noch für mindestens 1,5 Jahre zur Schule gehen
  • die sehr gute und gute schulische Leistungen vorweisen können
  • deren Eltern nicht studiert haben
  • die gerne lernen und denen Bildung wichtig ist
  • die sich ehrenamtlich engagieren oder es gerne tun würden
  • die von ihrem persönlichen Umfeld möglicherweise nicht immer im Hinblick auf schulische Belange oder in Bezug auf ihre Berufs- oder Studienorientierung unterstützt werden können

How does the NRWTalente scholarship support?

  1. Education-related material support

    Workplace equipment, e.g. with a desk or a laptop, ensures an optimal learning infrastructure. Reimbursement of travel costs to educational and cultural events enables social participation. Financing stays abroad and language trips opens up new horizons.
  2. Personal counselling and support

    Permanent and personal counselling and support by fixed contact persons in the programme helps to discover talents and develop potential. The provision of contacts and specialist counselling enables open-ended and individual planning for the future.
  3. Ideal education programme

    A variety of events, workshops and excursions enable new experiences and exciting adventures. While team-building events promote a sense of community, visits to regional companies and educational institutions open up insights and pave the way for new networks and contacts.

Impressions from the Programme

Further Information

For more information on the scholarship programme, visit the programme's homepage.

There you will find information on the application procedure and the application deadlines. You can also download all the documents you need for your application.

Would You Also Like to Promote Talent?

  • Get involved with young talent from the region and contribute to the development of potential: Lay the foundation for a successful future.
  • Motivate good performance and reward social commitment by funding a scholarship.
  • Show committed young people your company and enable them to gain exciting insights and build new networks.
  • Attend our annual certificate ceremony and get exclusive insights into the scholarship programme.
  • 100% of your donation will benefit the scholarship holders and will be used exclusively for the education programme and education-related material support. You will of course receive a donation receipt.

You can find more information in our brochure for supporters.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Linkhorst, Theresa M.A.

Teamleitung Talentscouting | NRWTalente | Koop.studiengänge
Photo  Theresa Linkhorst M.A.
Zentralverwaltung - Dezernat II - Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten - Dezernat II - Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten / II.3 - Zentrale Studienberatung
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 212
52066 Aachen

Förster, Anna-Rika M.A.

Projektmanagerin "NRWTalente - Schülerstipendien"
Photo  Anna-Rika Förster M.A.
Zentralverwaltung - Dezernat II - Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten - Dezernat II - Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten / II.3 - Zentrale Studienberatung
Eupener Straße 70
Room C212
52066 Aachen

Richert, Vera M.A.

Teamleitung: TSC | NRWTalente | Kooperationsstudiengänge
Photo  Vera Richert M.A.
Zentralverwaltung - Dezernat II - Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten - Dezernat II - Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten / II.3 - Zentrale Studienberatung
Eupener Straße 70
Room C 213
52066 Aachen