Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Summer and Winter Schools, Online Seminars

In Sommer- oder Winterschulen können Sie sich in kurzer Zeit zu einem bestimmten Thema fort- und weiterbilden. Summer Schools bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, in einem kurzen und intensiven Zeitraum Auslandserfahrung zu sammeln sowie internationale Kontakte zu knüpfen. In der Regel sind Summer Schools kostenpflichtig und als ein- oder mehrwöchige Intensivprogramme konzipiert.

Summer and Winter Schools at the FH Aachen

German Language Summer Courses

For everyone who would like to spend about 4 weeks of the summer in Aachen improving their language skills, learning about Germany and its people, and exploring Aachen and some of the neighbouring countries (e.g. trips to Paris and Amsterdam), the FH Aachen is once again offering German Language Summer Courses.

In July and August participants from all over the world will be given the opportunity to join an intensive course on one of various levels (beginners to advanced) and improve their German.

Please find the details on the website of the Aachen Language School (Sprachenakademie Aachen)!

Renewable Energy

A two-and-a-half-week long summer course for students of all universities and disciplines with lectures, excursions and a “future workshop” on renewable energies.

For more information see Solar Institut Jülich!

ROS Summer School 02 - 13 September 2024

The ROS Summer School is a two-week course (4 ECTS) covering general topics in mobile robotics, e.g:

- Introduction to mobile robotics
- ROS file system
- ROS communication
- Hardware and sensors
- ROSSerial
- Transformations in ROS
- Image processing with OpenCV & ROS
- Landmark recognition
- Localization, mapping and SLAM
- Path planning

Please refer to the ROS homepage of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics for further information.

Summer and winter schools abroad

Magellan Exchange Summer and Short-Term Programmes

There are several summer and short-term programmes available through The Magellan Exchange. Applications for most of these programmes are approved on a first come, first served basis! Some summer programmes require minimum participation and/or have a maximum number of allowable participants, so please apply early.


Summer Schools in Europe

Information from the German Academic Exchange Service on summer schools: https://www.daad.de/de/im-ausland-studieren-forschen-lehren/sprachen-lernen-sommerkurse-im-ausland/summer-schools/

Summer Schools in Europe: https://www.summerschoolsineurope.eu/

USA: Fulbright Scholarship Programme "Diversity Initiative", University of Maryland, 22.08.-20.09.2025

An interdisciplinary scholarship programme of the German-American Fulbright Commission - with insights into US society and culture.

Period: 22 August - 20 September 2025

Venue: University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Topic: Exploring concepts of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) - with excursions to the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region and Baltimore and exchanges with US students and teachers

Target group: Bachelor's students with a migration background (all subject areas)

Further requirements: German citizenship, very good English language skills at C1 level

Application details/info: https://fulbright.de/stipendien/programm/diversity-initiative-sommerstudienprogramm-uni-und-fh

Application deadline: 5 March 2025 directly to the Fulbright Commission

Enquiries to: diversityprogramsfulbright.de

Mexico: Winter School, Tec de Monterrey, Querétaro Campus, 17 February - 1 March 2025

The next Winter School at the Tec de Monterrey in Mexico, a renowned partner university of FH Aachen, will take place in mid-February 2025:

Period: 17 February - 1 March 2025

Venue: Querétaro campus, Mexico

Application details/info: see flyer/poster and https://www.dhik.org/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/

Application deadline: 15 December 2024

Selection criteria: When allocating places, preference will be given to students from FB8 and FB7 who can clearly demonstrate that they are interested in the double degree programme with Tec de Monterrey.

Report on the DHIK Winter School 2024
Review of the DHIK Winter School 2023

South Africa: Summer School "Sustainable Development", Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, 08-21 September 2025

As FH Aachen is a member of the German University Consortium for International Cooperation (DHIK), students from FH Aachen can also apply for this first summer school at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology:

Period: 08.09.-21.09.2025, plus 1 week before and 1 week after Virtual Period
Venue: Cape Town, South Africa

Topic: Sustainable Development in Management and Technology
Application details/info: see https://www.dhik.org/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/

Application deadline: 31.05.2025

USA: Fulbright Scholarship Programme "Leaders in Entrepreneurship", Virginia Tech, 22.08.-13.09.2025

A scholarship programme of the German-American Fulbright Commission - an insight into business and engineering studies in the USA and American campus life.

Period: 22 August - 13 September 2025

Venue: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ("Virginia Tech"), Blacksburg, USA

Topic: Practice-oriented introduction to the corporate culture of the USA - with practice-oriented seminars and team projects

Target group: Bachelor's students of technology and engineering, prospective founders

Further requirements: German scholarship, very good English language skills at C1 level

Details/info on the application: https://fulbright.de/stipendien/programm/leaders-in-entrepreneurship-sommerstudienprogramm-uni-und-fh

Application deadline: 05.03.2025 directly to the Fulbright Commission

Enquiries to: specialprogramsfulbright.de

Online Seminars

Spain: Universidad de Granada Online Language Exchange every Monday!

[machine translated]

Practice languages and make friends from all over the world for free, whether you are a CLM student or not!

As one of the leading centers in the teaching of Spanish language and culture at an international level, we are determined to keep responding to the learning needs and demands of our international students as well as those of our partner programs and universities.
With this in mind, we have decided to launch a program of free online language exchange sessions open to students from all over the world.

  • It’s free
  • It´s online
  • It requires previous registration by simply filling out an online form

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information:


Centro de Lenguas Modernas - University of Granada
Placeta del Hospicio Viejo s/n,
18009 Granada, Spain
Telephone number: +34 958 215660

„Willkommen zum Studium in Deutschland“ – ein Sprachkursangebot für internationale Studierende

[machine translated]

Practice languages and make friends from all over the world for free, whether you are a CLM student or not!

As one of the leading centers in the teaching of Spanish language and culture at an international level, we are determined to keep responding to the learning needs and demands of our international students as well as those of our partner programs and universities.
With this in mind, we have decided to launch a program of free online language exchange sessions open to students from all over the world.

  • It’s free
  • It´s online
  • It requires previous registration by simply filling out an online form

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information:


Centro de Lenguas Modernas - University of Granada
Placeta del Hospicio Viejo s/n,
18009 Granada, Spain
Telephone number: +34 958 215660

Coventry University - E-Xplore the Globe – Rest of the World

[machine translated]

Practice languages and make friends from all over the world for free, whether you are a CLM student or not!

As one of the leading centers in the teaching of Spanish language and culture at an international level, we are determined to keep responding to the learning needs and demands of our international students as well as those of our partner programs and universities.
With this in mind, we have decided to launch a program of free online language exchange sessions open to students from all over the world.

  • It’s free
  • It´s online
  • It requires previous registration by simply filling out an online form

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information:


Centro de Lenguas Modernas - University of Granada
Placeta del Hospicio Viejo s/n,
18009 Granada, Spain
Telephone number: +34 958 215660

Spain: University Granada - Spanish Online Courses

[machine translated]

CENTRO DE LENGUAS MODERNAS (CLM) der Universität Granada

Die Onlinekurse des Centro de Lenguas Modernas der Universität Granada bringen Sie näher an die spanische Sprache und Kultur, als je zuvor. Lernen Sie von zu Hause aus Spanisch! Sollten Sie Fragen haben oder weitere Informationen benötigen, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.


Spanische Sprache und Kultur

Unter anderen verfügen wir über folgende Kurse:

  • Annäherung an Granada: Bereiten Sie sich auf Ihren Aufenthalt vor oder lernen Sie die interessantesten Seiten dieser Stadt kennen!
  • Mini-Kurse Sprache und Kultur: Ein umfangreiches Angebot von über 40 Kursen (á 10 Stunden) mit acht verschiedenen Themenbereichen. An welchem Kurs möchten Sie teilnehmen?
  • Kurse: Spanische Sprache und Kultur: 45-Stunden-Semesterkurse. Unser Frühlingssemester beginnt am 1. Februar. Sie können sich noch einschreiben!

Was bietet das CLM?

  • 100% akkreditierter und synchroner Unterricht mit einem an Ihre Zeitzone angepassten Stundenplan.
  • Zuverlässiger Einstufungstest, um den Unterricht an Ihre individuellen Sprachbedürfnisse anzupassen.
  • Gruppen mit max. 10 Teilnehmern, min. 6.
  • Kontinuirliches Lernen des Schülers, betreut während des ganzen Lernprozesses von seinem Kurslehrer.
  • Online-Sprachtandem mit spanischen Studenten.
  • Angepasst an verschiedene Zeitzonen .
  • ECTS-Leistungspunkte der Universität Granada.

Lernen Sie mit uns Spanisch!


Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und Ihr Vertrauen in das CLM

Universität Granada - Centro de Lenguas Modernas



Frankreich: Autumn semester online French courses

[machine translated]

Practice languages and make friends from all over the world for free, whether you are a CLM student or not!

As one of the leading centers in the teaching of Spanish language and culture at an international level, we are determined to keep responding to the learning needs and demands of our international students as well as those of our partner programs and universities.
With this in mind, we have decided to launch a program of free online language exchange sessions open to students from all over the world.

  • It’s free
  • It´s online
  • It requires previous registration by simply filling out an online form

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information:


Centro de Lenguas Modernas - University of Granada
Placeta del Hospicio Viejo s/n,
18009 Granada, Spain
Telephone number: +34 958 215660

Financial Support for Summer and Winter Schools



Programme to increase the mobility of students German universities

Institution: FH Aachen funded by the German Academic Exchange Service[DAAD]

  • all subject areas
  • worldwide, but restrictions apply to Europe
  • Duration of funding: max. 6 months
  • Purposes of stay: study visits to universities, final theses, practical projects and practical trainings, research stays, language courses, shorter specialised courses (e.g. intensive courses, summer schools)

Under special conditions, foreign students can also apply for PROMOS, e.g. if they are equivalent to Germans according to BAföG §8 paragraph 1 numbers 2 and following as well as paragraph 2, 2a and 3.

Application: at the Department of International Affairs

Contact: Birgit Kreutz

Further information and application documents