Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Infrastructural and Digital Accessibility

Infrastructural accessibility

FH Aachen wants to be a barrier-free place for all university members and guests. Our goal is to be able to guarantee barrier-free accessibility of rooms, spaces, pathways as well as teaching and learning materials for all, while at the same time providing sufficient information about the accessibility and location of rooms in a barrier-free manner.

In doing so, we are subject to legally binding requirements such as under Section 49 (2) of the North Rhine-Westphalia State Building Code (BauO NRW 2018) as well as DIN 18040 (standard for barrier-free building): "Structural enclosures that are accessible to the public must be designed to be barrier-free to the required extent".

We are currently working on a guidance system for our students and employees with disabilities. This should make barrier-free routes at our university quickly and easily visible to all.

Digital accessibility

Removing digital barriers together - realising inclusion

Digital accessibility allows all people to use digital offerings and takes into account the special requirements of people with disabilities. This means that digital accessibility benefits everyone and improves the accessibility of digital content - it is clearly structured, written in an understandable way and thus easier for everyone to use.

The implementation of digital accessibility is a legal requirement and must be implemented at the university for all members. The legal requirement formulates that websites, applications and documents must be barrier-free in order to enable equal access for all persons. This applies to the usability of applications as well as the design and texts.

What are digital disabilities?


Digitalisation on the one hand contributes significantly to the reduction of barriers, on the other hand many new digital barriers are created. All people can encounter barriers and experience disability. People with impairments are hindered by barriers that can be removed:

  • People with visual impairments by texts that cannot be (pre)read, by videos and images without descriptions, by insufficient colour contrasts.
  • People with hearing disabilities due to videos without subtitles, audio contributions without text alternatives.
  • People with cognitive impairments (speech, attention ...) due to complex (overtaxing) content presentation
  • People with motor impairments due to poor usability of buttons, input fields, etc.

What does the university do and what can everyone contribute?

Task of the university

  • The FH Aachen takes care of the accessibility of its online services (homepage, ILIAS, documents ...).
  • At the bottom of all online services of the FH Aachen you will find the "Info Barrierefreiheit".
  • You will find a contact point for digital accessibility in the help centre: Accessibility. This will take you directly to the relevant page in the Help Centre.
  • Information and addresses on the topic of inclusion and accessibility at FH Aachen can be found on these subpages.


Creating Accessible Content

  • When creating and revising digital contents and offers, all members of the FH Aachen should contribute significantly to the reduction of barriers by considering the legal requirements.
  • Teaching and learning materials must be barrier-free or an equivalent barrier-free alternative must be offered.


Enabling disadvantage compensation

  • Compensation for disadvantages during studies is essential for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.
  • The prerequisite is an individual application by the student concerned.
  • The design of the disadvantage compensation takes place individually in dialogue and is limited in time.
  • Counselling for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses Representation of the interests of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses (vBecks)

What can I contribute to reduce digital disabilities?

Note the 4 digital accessibility requirements of the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). These requirements are the basis of the legal obligations for digital accessibility.

Principle 1:

  • Perceptible - Information and user interface components must be presented to users in a way that they can perceive.

Principle 2:

  • Operable - user interface components and navigation must be operable.

Principle 3:

  • Understandable - Information and operation of the user interface must be understandable.

Principle 4:

  • Content must be robust enough to be reliably interpreted by a wide range of user agents, including assistive technologies.

Tips and tricks for implementation

  • Always take into account that most disabilities or impairments are not apparent to others.
  • Inform your students that they will receive support in their studies due to an impairment and that
  • barriers can also be reduced individually through disadvantage compensation.
  • Check your Office and PDF documents for digital accessibility (e.g. with the check options from Microsoft and Adobe).
  • Design your teaching/learning materials with a clear structure (e.g. the correct order of headings enables readability for screen readers.).
  • Offer equivalent alternatives for people with visual or hearing impairments for all content-relevant media (alt text, subtitling).
  • Encourage your students to give you feedback on the digital content you offer and act on it.

E-learning platform Ilias

ILIAS provides you with a personalised learning platform. Here, teachers have their own area where they can provide materials for courses and lectures online - such as PowerPoint slides or bibliographies.

In addition, ILIAS offers numerous other functions, such as access to Adobe Connect online meeting rooms, tools for online collaboration such as Etherpad, as well as the possibility of creating and evaluating surveys for your project, Bachelor's or Master's thesis.

You can access the platform here.

Beyond Labels

Geschichten und Porträts aus der FH Aachen

Diversity-Ausstellung „Beyond Labels – Geschichten und Porträts aus der FH Aachen“
Wo? Flugzeughalle, Boxgraben 100, 52064 Aachen
Wann? 23.-24.05 / 27.-28.05.2024 von 10-18 Uhr
24.05.2024 mit Abendprogramm und Feier ab 16.00 Uhr

Ein studentisches Team der FH Aachen präsentiert Ihnen kreative Einblicke in die vielfältigen Persönlichkeiten von Studierenden und Beschäftigten. Erleben Sie eine Ausstellung, die Stereotypen herausfordert und Wege aufzeigt, sie zu überwinden. Seien Sie dabei und entdecken Sie eine Welt jenseits von Etiketten!

Melden Sie sich gerne bis zum 17.05.2024 unter dem angegebenen Link an und seien Sie dabei!

Zur unverbindlichen Anmeldung geht es hier.