
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Biselli


Reaktor für die Zellkulturtechnik mit blasenfreier Begasung
Gasification-tube module and reactor for cell cultivation

Biselli, Manfred ; Born, Christoph ; Schröder, Bernd ; Wandrey, Christian (1997)
1997. - 10 S.

Enzymkatalysierte Racematspaltung von Aminosäuren mit integrierter Rückführung : dargestellt am Beispiel der Umsetzung von D,L-Alanin zu L-Alanin / Manfred Fridolin Biselli

Biselli, Manfred (1992)
Jülich : Forschungszentrum Jülich, Zentralbibliothek 1992. - VIII, 192 S. : graph. Darst.

Enzymkatalysierte Racematspaltung von Aminosäuren mit integrierter Rückführung : dargestellt am Beispiel der Umsetzung von D,L-Alanin zu L-Alanin / vorgelegt von Manfred Fridolin Biselli

Biselli, Manfred (1992)
Bonn 1992. - VIII, 192 S. : graph. Darst.


Fabrication of biocompatible lab-on-chip devices for biomedical applications by means of a 3D-printing process

Takenaga, Shoko ; Schneider, Benno ; Erbay, E. ; Biselli, Manfred ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Wagner, Torsten (2015)
Physica status solidi (a). Weinheim : Wiley. 212 (2015), H. 6. Seite: 1347 - 1352

A sensitive monitoring system for mammalian cell cultivation processes: a PAT approach

Winckler, Silvia ; Krueger, Rolf ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Zang, Werner ; Fischer, Rainer ; Biselli, Manfred (2014)
Bioprocess and biosystems engineering. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer. 37 (2014), H. 5. Seite: 901 - 912
1615-7591 (Print) 1615-7605 (Online)

Toward multi-analyte bioarray sensors: LAPS-based on-chip determination of a Michaelis–Menten-like kinetics for cell culturing

Takenaga, Shoko ; Biselli, Manfred ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Öhlschläger, Peter ; Wagner, Torsten ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2014)
Physica status solidi A : Applications and materials science. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 211 (2014), H. 6. Seite: 1410 - 1415
1521-396X (E) , 1862-6319 (E-Journal) , 0031-8965 (Print) , 1862-6300 (Print)

Enzymatically catalyzed degradation of biodegradable polymers investigated by means of a semiconductor-based field-effect sensor

Schusser, Sebastian ; Bäcker, Matthias ; Krischer, M. ; Wenzel, L. ; Leinhos, Marcel ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Biselli, Manfred ; Wagner, P. ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2014)
Procedia Engineering. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 87 (2014). Seite: 1314 - 1317

Chip-based amperometric enzyme sensor system for monitoring of bioprocesses by flow-injection analysis

Bäcker, Matthias ; Rakowski, D. ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Biselli, Manfred ; Wagner, Patrick ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2013)
Journal of Biotechnology. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 163 (2013), H. 4. Seite: 371 - 376

Forschung „zwischen“ den Disziplinen: das Institut für Nano- und Biotechnologien

Schöning, Michael Josef ; Biselli, Manfred ; Selmer, Thorsten ; Öhlschläger, Peter ; Baumann, Marcus ; Förster, Arnold ; Poghossian, Arshak (2012)
Analytik news : das Online-Labormagazin für Labor und Analytik. Ober-Ramstadt : Dr. Beyer Internet-Beratung. Publ. online (2012). - 11 Seiten

A silicon-based multi-sensor chip for monitoring of fermentation processes

Bäcker, Matthias ; Pouyeshman, S. ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Wagner, Patrick ; Biselli, Manfred ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2011)
Physica status solidi (a) : applications and material science. 208 (2011), H. 6. Weinheim : Wiley. (2011). Seite: 1364 - 1369

Electrochemical sensor array for bioprocess monitoring

Bäcker, Matthias ; Delle, L. ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Biselli, Manfred ; Zang, Werner ; Wagner, P. ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2011)
Electrochimica Acta (2011). Amsterdam : ElsevierSeite: 9673 - 9678

Die Rolle des Respirationsquotienten in der Zellkulturfermentation

Kowollik, Silvia ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Biselli, Manfred ; Krueger, R. ; Zang, Werner ; Peuscher, A. ; Schillberg, S. ; Fischer, R. (2010)
Chemie Ingenieur Technik. Weinheim : Wiley-VCHSeite: 1505 - 1506
Chemie Ingenieur Tec

Concept for a solid-state multi-parameter sensor system for cell-culture monitoring

Bäcker, Matthias ; Beging, Stefan ; Biselli, Manfred ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Wang, J. ; Zang, Werner ; Wagner, Patrick ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2009)
Electrochimica Acta. 54 (2009), H. 25 Sp. Iss. SI. Amsterdam : Elsevier. (2009). Seite: 6107 - 6112

Entwicklung eines festkörperbasierten Sensorsystems für die Bioprozessautomatisierung

Bäcker, Matthias ; Kowollik, Silvia ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Wang, J. ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Zang, Werner ; Biselli, Manfred ; Wagner, P. ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2009)
9. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium : Dresden, 07.-09. Dezember 2009 / Gerlach, Gerald ; Hauptmann, Peter [Hrsg.]. Dresden : TUDpress. (2009). - 351 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 197 - 200

A light-addressable potentiometric sensor system for fast, simultaneous and spatial detection of the metabolic activity of biological cells

Wagner, Torsten ; Molina, R. ; Biselli, Manfred ; Canzoneri, Michele ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Yoshinobu, Tatsuo ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2007)
Transducers '07 Eurosensors XXI : digest of technical papers ; the14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, June 10-14, 2007, Lyon, France / Gilles Delapierre (Ed.). Piscataway : IEEE. (2007). Seite: 1107 - 1110

Handheld multi-channel LAPS device as a transducer platform for possible biological and chemical multi-sensor applications

Wagner, Torsten ; Molina, Roberto ; Yoshinobu, Tatsuo ; Kloock, Joachim P. ; Biselli, Manfred ; Canzoneri, Michele ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2007)
Electrochimica Acta. 53 (2007), H. 2. Seite: 305 - 311

Online-Messsysteme für die automatisierte Charakterisierung von feldeffektbasierten Biosensoren

Wagner, Torsten ; Beging, Stefan ; Rotter, L. ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Biselli, Manfred ; Zang, Werner ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2007)
8. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium : Sensoren für Umwelt, Klima und Sicherheit, Biosensoren und Biosysteme, Sensoren und Sensorsysteme für die Prozesstechnik, Trends in der Sensortechnik, Materialentwicklung für die Sensorik; 8. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 10. - 12. Dezember 2007, Dresden / Gerald Gerlach ... (Hg.). Dresden : TUDpress, Verl. der Wissenschaften. (2007). - 343 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 257 - 260

Characterization of photosynthetically active duckweed ( Wolffia australiana ) in vitro culture by Respiration Activity Monitoring System (RAMOS) / Henrik Rechmann, Andrea Friedrich, Dara Forouzan, Stefan Barth, Heide Schnabl, Manfred Biselli und Robert B

Biselli, Manfred ; Rechmann, Hanrik ; Friedrich, Andrea ; Forouzan, Dara (2007)
Biotechnology Letters. 29 (2007), H. 6. Seite: 971 - 977

Atmungsaktivität von Säugerzellen: Kontinuierliche Onlineermittlung im Schüttelkolben

Canzoneri, M. ; Krüger, R. ; Zang, Werner ; Biselli, Manfred (2006)
BIOforum. 3 (2006). Seite: 45 - 47

Cultivo de lineas celulares de hibridoma por CF-10H5 (DSMZ ACC477) en el BIOSTAT B plus

Schnitzler, Thomas ; Biselli, Manfred (2005)
Noticias tecnicas del laboratorio. . 13 (2005), H. 3. Seite: 7 - 8

Biological and mechanical quality of red blood cells cultured from human umbilical cord blood stem cells

Maggakis-Kelemen, C. ; Bork, M. ; Kayser, Peter ; Biselli, Manfred ; Artmann, Gerhard (2003)
Medical and biological engineering and computing. 41 (2003), H. 3. Seite: 350 - 356

Determination of the elastic shear modulus of cultured human red blood cells

Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina ; Biselli, Manfred ; Artmann, Gerhard (2002)
Biomedizinische Technik. 47 (2002), H. Suppl. 1 Pt. 1. Seite: 106 - 109
63 Z 471

Reaction Engineering for Enzyme-Catalyzed Biotransformations

Biselli, Manfred ; Kragl, U. ; Wandrey, C. (2002)
Enzyme catalysis in organic synthesis : a comprehensive handbook. Bd. 1. - 2., completely rev. and enl. ed. / ed. by Karlheinz Drauz.. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. (2002). - XXXVII, 334 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 185 - 257

Improved product formation in high density Chinese hamster ovary cell cultures transfected at confluency / Thomas Noll, Detlef Eisenkrätzer, André Kiesewetter, André Dinter, Steffen Zeng, Christian Wandrey, Manfred Biselli und Eric G. Berger

Biselli, Manfred ; Noll, Thomas ; Eisenkrätzer, Detlef ; Kiesewetter, André (2002)
Biotechnology Letters. 24 (2002), H. 11. Seite: 861 - 866

Novel bioreactors for the ex vivo cultivation of hematopoietic cells / Jelinek, N. ; Schmidt, S. ; Hilbert, U. ; Thoma, S. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Jelinek, N. ; Schmidt, S. ; Hilbert, U. (2002)
Engineering in Life Sciences. 2 (2002), H. 1. Seite: 15 - 18

Cultivation of Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells: biochemical Engineering Aspects / Thomas Noll, Nanni Jelinek, Sebastian Schmidt, Manfred Biselli und Christian Wandrey

Biselli, Manfred ; Noll, Thomas ; Jelinek, Nanni ; Schmidt, Sebastian (2002)
Tools and Applications of Biochemical Engineering Science. Berlin : Springer. (2002). - XVIII, 274 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 111 - 128

Bioreaktoren zur Kultivierung blutbildender Zellen / Jelinek, N. ; Schmidt, S. ; Noll, T. ; Biselli, M.

Biselli, Manfred ; Jelinek, N. ; Schmidt, S. ; Noll, T. (2001)
Bioforum. 24 (2001), H. 6. Seite: 418 - 419

Cultivation of Human HCMV Specific Lymphocytes – An Example for Adoptive Immunotherapy / Hilbert, U. ; Biselli, M. ; Noll, T.

Biselli, Manfred ; Hilbert, U. ; Noll, T. (2001)
Animal cell technology : from target to market ; Tylösand, Sweden, June 10 - 14, 2001 / ed. by E. Lindner-Olsson .... Dordrecht : Kluwer. (2001). - LXXV, 595 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 558 - 561

Neue Bioreaktoren zur Kultivierung hämatopoetischer Zellen / Jelinek, N. ; Schmidt, S. ; Hilbert, U. ; Thoma, S. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Jelinek, N. ; Schmidt, S. ; Hilbert, U. (2001)
Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 73 (2001), H. 7. Seite: 894 - 898

Bioprocess development for the cultivation of human T-lymphocytes / Hilbert, U. ; Jelinek, N. Schmidt, S. ; Biselli, M.

Biselli, Manfred ; Hilbert, U. ; Jelinek, N. ; Schmidt, S. (2001)
Engineering in Life Sciences. 1 (2001). Seite: 20 - 23

Biophysikalische Charakterisierung ex vivo kultivierter menschlicher Erythrozythen

Bork, M. ; Kelemen, C. ; Biselli, Manfred ; Artmann, Gerhard (2000)
Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical Engineering. 45 (2000), H. s1. Seite: 471 - 472

A cell-culture reactor for the on-line evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals : evaluation of the lumped constant of FDG in human glioma cells / Noll, Thomas ; Mühlensiepen, Heinz ; Engels, Ralf ; Hamacher, Kurt ; Papaspyrou, Manfred ; Langen, Karl-Josef ; Bi

Biselli, Manfred ; Noll, Thomas ; Mühlsiepen, Heinz ; Engels, Ralf (2000)
Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 41 (2000), H. 3. Seite: 556 - 564

Biotechnologische Aspekte der Kultivierung humaner T-Lymphozyten / Hilbert, Ulrike ; Jelinek, Nanni ; Schmidt, Sebastian ; Biselli, Manfred

Biselli, Manfred ; Hilbert, Ulrike ; Jelinek, Nanni ; Schmidt, Sebastian (2000)
Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 72 (2000), H. 7. Seite: 746 - 750

Development of a fixed bed bioreactor for the expansion of human hematopoietic progenitor cells / Meissner, Petra ; Schröder, Bernd ; Herfurth, Cornelia ; Biselli, Manfred

Biselli, Manfred ; Meissner, Petra ; Schröder, Bernd ; Herfurth, Cornelia (1999)
Cytotechnology. 30 (1999), H. 1. Seite: 227 - 234

A new correlation for the wall-to-fluid mass transfer in liquid-sol fluidized beds / Schmidt, S. ; Büchs, J. ; Born, C. ; Biselli, M.

Biselli, Manfred ; Schmidt, S. ; Büchs, J. ; Born, C. (1999)
Chemical Engineering Science. 54 (1999), H. 6. Seite: 829 - 839

Analysis of Hybridoma Cell Culture Processes by SDS-Gel Capillary Electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time-of-flight MS / Vadim Klyushnichenko, Anja Rodenbrock, Jörg Thömmes, Maria-Regina Kula, Holger Heine, Manfred Biselli

Biselli, Manfred ; Klyushnichenko, Vadim ; Rodenbrock, Anja ; Thömmes, Jörg (1998)
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. 27 (1998), H. 3. Seite: 181 - 188

Dielectric spectroscopy in the cultivation of suspended and immobilized hybridoma cells / Noll, T.; Biselli, M.

Biselli, Manfred ; Noll, T. (1998)
Journal of Biotechnology. 63 (1998), H. 3. Seite: 187 - 198

Cocultivation of hematopoietic cells in a fluidized bed reactor / Schröder, B. ; Herfurth, C. ; Biselli, M. ; Schmoll, H.-J. ; Link, H. ; Ebell, W. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Schröder, B. ; Herfurth, C. ; Schmoll, H.-J. (1997)
Animal cell technology : basic & applied aspects : proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan, November 6-10, 1995 / edited by K. Funatsu, Y. Shirai, and T. Matsushita. Boston : Kluwer Acad. Press. (1997). - XV, 659 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 137 - 141

On-line biomass monitoring of immobilized hybridoma cells by dielectrical measurements / Noll, T. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Noll, T. ; Wandrey, C. (1997)
Animal cell technology : from vaccines to genetic medicine ; [Vilamoura, Portugal, May 1996] / ed. by Manuel J. T. Carrondo. Dordrecht : Kluwer. (1997). - XVI, 816 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 289 - 294

Differentiation of bone marrow cells immobilized on microcarriers in a fluidized bed reactor / Schröder, B. ; Herfurth, C. ; Meißner, P. ; Biselli, M. ; Link, H. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Schröder, B. ; Herfurth, C. ; Meißner, P. (1997)
Animal cell technology : from vaccines to genetic medicine ; [Vilamoura, Portugal, May 1996] / ed. by Manuel J. T. Carrondo. Dordrecht : Kluwer. (1997). - XVI, 816 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 589 - 593

Pilot Scale Expression and Purification of Soluble Protein A Tagged β1,6N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase in CHO Cells / Zeng, Steffen ; Dinter, Andre ; Eisenkrätzer, Detlef ; Biselli, Manfred ; Wandrey, Christian ; Berger, Eric G.

Biselli, Manfred ; Zeng, Steffen ; Dinter, Andre ; Eisenkrätzer, Detlef (1997)
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 237 (1997), H. 3. Seite: 653 - 658

On-line immunoanalysis of monoclonal antibodies during a continuous culture of hybridoma cells / Jens J. van der Pol, Marc Machnik, Manfred Biselli, Theresa Portela-Klein, Cornelis D. de Gooijer, Johannes Tramper und Christian Wandrey

Biselli, Manfred ; Van der Pol, Jens J. ; Machnik, Marc ; Portela-Klein, Theresa (1997)
Cytotechnology. 24 (1997), H. 1. Seite: 19 - 30

Wirbelschichtreaktor und Biomasse-Monitor : ein leistungsfähiges Fermenationssystem für Säugerzellen / Noll, T. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Noll, T. ; Wandrey, C. (1996)
Biospektrum. 2 (1996), H. 1. Seite: 65 - 67

Online-Immunoanalytik bei der kontinuierlichen Fermentation von Hybridomazellen / Machnik, M. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Machnik, M. ; Wandrey, C. (1996)
BIO WORLD. 1 (1996), H. 3. Seite: 12 - 15

An approach to integrated antibody production: Coupling of fluidized bed cultivation and fluidized bed adsorption / Born, C. ; Thömmes, J. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C. ; Kula, M.-R.

Biselli, Manfred ; Born, C. ; Thömmes, J. ; Wandrey, C. (1996)
Bioprocess Engineering. 15 (1996), H. 1. Seite: 21 - 29

Automation of selective assays for on-line bioprocess monitoring by flow-injection analysis / van der Pol, Jens J. ; de Gooijer, Cornelis D. ; Biselli, Manfred ; Wandrey, Christian ; Tramper, Johannes

Biselli, Manfred ; Van der Pol, Jens J. ; De Gooijer, Cornelis D. ; Wandrey, Christian (1996)
Trends in Biotechnology. 14 (1996), H. 12. Seite: 471 - 477

Reaction Engineering for Enzyme-Catalyzed Biotransformations

Biselli, Manfred ; Kragl, U. ; Wandrey, C. (1995)
Enzyme catalysis in organic synthesis : a comprehensive handbook. Bd. 1. / ed. by Karlheinz Drauz.. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. (1995). - XXV, 504 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 89 - 155
61 UVC 6-1

On-line control of an immobilized hybridoma culture with multi-channel flow injektion analysis / Jens J. van der Pol, Burkhard Joksch, Jochem Galgens, Manfred Biselli, Cornelis D. de Gooijer, Johannes Tramper and Christian Wandrey

Biselli, Manfred ; Van der Pol, Jens J. ; Joksch, Burkhard ; Galgens, Jochem (1995)
Journal of Biotechnology. 43 (1995), H. 3. Seite: 229 - 242

Purification of monoclonal antibodies by fluidized bed adsorption / Thömmes, J. ; Born, C. Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C. ; Kula, M.-R.

Biselli, Manfred ; Thömmes, J. ; Born, C. ; Wandrey, C. (1995)
Animal cell technology : developments towards the 21st century / edited by E. C. Beuvery. Dordrecht : Kluwer Acad. Press. (1995). - XXX, 1207 S. : Ill., graph. DarstSeite: 515 - 519

Production of monoclonal antibodies in a pilot scale fluidized bed bioreactor / Born, C.; Biselli, M.; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Born, C. ; Wandrey, C. (1995)
Animal cell technology : developments towards the 21st century / edited by E. C. Beuvery. Dordrecht : Kluwer Acad. Press. (1995). - XXX, 1207 S. : Ill., graph. DarstSeite: 515 - 519

Oxygen transfer from the gasphase to the immobilized cells in membrane aerated fluidized beds / Born, C. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Born, C. ; Wandrey, C. (1995)
Animal cell technology : basic & applied aspects : proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan, November 6-10, 1995 / edited by K. Funatsu, Y. Shirai, and T. Matsushita. Boston : Kluwer Acad. Press. (1995). - XV, 659 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 83 - 87

On-line monitoring of an animal cell culture with multi-channel flow injection analysis / van der Pol, Jens J.; Spohn, Uwe ; Eberhardt, Rolf ; Gätgens, Jochen ; Biselli, Manfred ; Wandrey, Christian ; Tramper, Johannes

Biselli, Manfred ; Van der Pol, Jens J. ; Spohn, Uwe ; Eberhardt, Rolf (1994)
Journal of Biotechnology. 37 (1994), H. 3. Seite: 253 - 264

On-line monitoring and control of glucose, glutamine, lactate and ammonium during a high-cell-density cultivation of hybridoma cells / van der Pol, Jens J. ; Joksch, B. ; Spohn, U. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Van der Pol, Jens J. ; Joksch, B. ; Spohn, U. (1994)
Proceedings of the sixth international meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology [JAACT 93]: Nagoya, Japan, November 9 - 12, 1993 / ed. by T. Kobayashi. Berlin : Springer Netherland. (1994). - XIV, 615 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 167 - 170

Growth and metabolism of CHO-cells in porous glass carriers / Lüllau, E. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Lüllau, E. ; Wandrey, Christian (1994)
Animal cell technology : products of today, prospects for tomorrow ; ESACT, European Society for Animal Cell Technology, the 12th meeting / Ed. R. E. Spier. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. (1994). - XXII, 830 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 252 - 255

Optimization of antibody production in a fluidized bed bioreactor / Rolef, G. ; Biselli, M. ; Dunker, R. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Rolef, G. ; Dunker, R. ; Wandrey, Christian (1994)
Animal cell technology : products of today, prospects for tomorrow ; ESACT, European Society for Animal Cell Technology, the 12th meeting / Ed. R. E. Spier. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. (1994). - XXII, 830 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 481 - 484

Batch kinetic data of hybridoma growth and productivity as a basis for the simulation of antibody production in various culture systems / Thömmes, J. ; Biselli, M. ; Kula, M.-R. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Thömmes, J. ; Kula, M.-R. ; Wandrey, Christian (1994)
Animal cell technology : products of today, prospects for tomorrow ; ESACT, European Society for Animal Cell Technology, the 12th meeting / Ed. R. E. Spier. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. (1994). - XXII, 830 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 513 - 517

The influence of dissolved oxygen tension on the metabolic activity of an immobilized hybridoma population / Thömmes, J. ; Gätgens, J. ; Biselli, M. ; Runstadler, P.W. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Thömmes, J. ; Gätgens, J. ; Runstadler, P. W. (1993)
Cytotechnology . 13 (1993), H. 1. Seite: 29 - 39

Development of a reactor-integrated aeration system for cultivation of animal cells in fluidized beds / Hambach, B. ; Biselli, M. ; Runstadler, P.W. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Hambach, B. ; Runstadler, P. W. ; Wandrey, Christian (1992)
Animal cell technology : developments, processes, and products ; ESACT, European Society for Animal Cell Technology, the 11th meeting / Ed. R. E. Spier. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. (1992). - XXVII, 756 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 381 - 385

Immobilization of animal cells on chemically modified siran carrier / Lüllau, E. ; Dreisbach, C. ; Grogg, A. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Lüllau, E. ; Dreisbach, C. ; Grogg, A. (1992)
Animal cell technology : developments, processes, and products ; ESACT, European Society for Animal Cell Technology, the 11th meeting / Ed. R. E. Spier. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. (1992). - XXVII, 756 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 469 - 475

Development of an enzymatic multichannel flow injection analysis system for monitoring mammalian cell fermentations / Van der Pol, J.J.; Joksch, B.; Eberhardt, R.; Biselli, M.; Wandrey, C., Tramper, J.

Biselli, Manfred ; Van der Pol, Jens J. ; Joksch, B. ; Eberhardt, R. (1992)
Biosensors : fundamentals, technologies and applications ; contributions to the BMFT status seminar with international participation May, 12 to 14, 1991, Internationales Bildungs-Centrum Bogensee/Brandenburg, Germany / org. by ZIM-Zentralinstitut für Molekularbiologie, Berlin-Buch and GBF, Braunschweig. Ed. by F. Scheller. Weinheim : VCH. (1992). - XIX, 548 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 349 - 352

Integrated detoxification: Reduction of ammonium concentration by dialysis with cation exchange membranes / Thömmes, J. ; Garske, U. ; Biselli, M. ; Wandrey, C.

Biselli, Manfred ; Thömmes, J. ; Garske, U. ; Wandrey, Christian (1992)
Animal cell technology : developments, processes, and products ; ESACT, European Society for Animal Cell Technology, the 11th meeting / Ed. R. E. Spier. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. (1992). - XXVII, 756 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 171 - 175

Reaction Mechanism of an Endoglucanase of Trichoderma Reesei QM 9414 using Cellodextrins as Substrate

Biselli, Manfred ; Wandrey, Christian (1988)
Technology of biological processes, safety in biotechnology, applied genetic engineering : lectures held at the 5th DECHEMA Annual Meeting of Biotechnologists, May 12 - 13, 1987, [Frankfurt, Main] / [hrsg. von Dieter Behrens ...]. Weinheim : VCH. (1988). - 496 S.Seite: 425 - 429

Preparation of cellodextrins and isolation of oligomeric side components and their characterization / Schmid, Georg ; Biselli, Manfred ; Wandrey, Christian

Biselli, Manfred ; Schmid, Georg ; Wandrey, Christian (1988)
Analytical Biochemistry. 175 (1988). Seite: 573 - 583


Detection of the metabolic activity of cells by differential measurements based on a single light-addressable potentiometric sensor chip

Takenaga, Shoko ; Herrera, Cony F. ; Werner, Frederik ; Biselli, Manfred ; Schnitzler, Thomas ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Öhlschläger, Peter ; Wagner, Torsten (2013)
11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium : 9.-11.12.2013. 2013. Seite: 63 - 67


Chinese-Hamster-Ovary-Zellen zur Produktion von Proteinen
Chinese hamster ovary cells, useful for large-scale production of recombinant proteins, especially enzymes

Berger, Eric G. ; Biselli, Manfred ; Dinter, André ; Eisenkrätzer, Detlef ; Kiesewetter, André ; Zeng, Steffen (2000)
Seite: 1 - 6
DE000019847422C1 13.01.2000 EP000001121417A2 08.08.2001 WO002000022096A9 24.08.2000

Culturing cells on macroporous glass carriers coated with gelatin, extracellular matrix protein and stromal cells

Wandrey, Christian ; Biselli, Manfred ; Schröder, Bernd ; Schmoll, Hans-Joachim (1999)
Seite: 1 - 12
United States Patent 5,906,940 May 25, 1999

Verfahren zur Durchführung von chemischen oder biologischen Reaktionen
Chemical or biological reactions on surface of particles, retained in container permeable to reaction fluid, especially for growing cells

Schmidt, Sebastian ; Jelinek, Nanni ; Biselli, Manfred (1999)
Seite: 1 - 12
DE000019822050A1 18.11.1999

Wirbelschicht-Bioreaktor mit Trägergranulat und dafür geeigneter Steril-Befüllbehälter [Offenlegungsschrift]

Biselli, Manfred ; Born, Christoph ; Wandrey, Christian (1996)
Seite: 1 - 10
DE 4431 981 A1 14.03.1996

Begasungs-Rohrmodul mit selektiv gasdurchlässiger Schlauchmembran und damit versehene Reaktoren für Zellkulturtechnik sowie Wirbelschicht-Reaktoren für Zellkultivierung [Offenlegunsschrift]

Biselli, Manfred ; Born, Christoph ; Papaspyrou, Manfred ; Schröder, Bernd ; Wandrey, Christian (1996)
Seite: 1 - 8

Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Pharmakokinetik bzw. Toxikokinetik von Testsubstanzen mit Hilfe von in-vitro-Zellkultursystemen und dafür geeignete Vorrichtungen [Offenlegungsschrift]

Papaspyrou, Manfred ; Born, Christoph ; Biselli, Manfred ; Schröder, Bernd (1996)
Seite: 1 - 10
DE000019537033A1 22.08.1996 EP000000727480A2 21.08.1996

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Abtrennung von Ammonium aus wäßrigen Flüssigkeiten [Europäische Patentanmeldung]
Process and apparatus for separating ammonium from aqueous liquids

Biselli, Manfred ; Thömmes, Jörg ; Wandrey, Christian (1991)
Seite: 1 - 12
United States Patent 5,130,026 Jul. 14, 1992 Process and apparatur for removing ammonium form aqueous liquids DE 4016971 25.05.1990