Zur Person

Beruflicher Werdegang

seit 01/2012: Professor (W2) für Wasserbau, Fachhochschule Aachen

10/2022: Erteilung der venia legendi an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal

06/2022: Habilitation im Fachgebiet "Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft" an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal

04/2020: Ruf auf die W3-Professur für "Wasserbau" an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr, Hamburg (abgelehnt)

08/2013: Ruf auf die W2-Professur für "Wasserwesen, insbesondere Hydromechanik und Wasserbau" an der Hochschule Bochum (abgelehnt)

08/2009 – 12/2011: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Oberingenieur), Franzius-Institut für Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Leibniz Universität Hannover

04/2006 – 07/2009: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet „Wasserwirtschaft und Wasserbau“, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

02/2004 – 01/2006: Planungsingenieur für Tief- und Wasserbau, Kempen Krause Ingenieurgesellschaft, Aachen/Köln



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(International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, Past Chairman des Committee on Hydraulic Structures)

(Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V.)

Gesellschaft der Förderer des Ludwig-Franzius-Instituts e.V.

(Alumniverein der FH Aachen)




Valero, D.; Pummer, E.; Heller, V.; Kramer, M.; Bung, D.B.; Mulligan, S.; Erpicum, S.: The Unspoken Value of Water Infrastructure, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 212, 115378 (weitere Informationen).

Kramer, M.; Wang, H.; Bung, D.B.: Discussion on “Resurrecting a Neglected Measurement Technique for Air-Water Flows”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (accepted).


Steinke jr., R.; Bung, D.B.: 4D particle tracking velocimetry of an undular hydraulic jump, Journal of Hydraulic Research (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Felder, S.; Kramer, M.; Wang, H.; Carrillo, J.M.; Pfister, M.; Bung, D.B.: Air-water flows, Journal of Hydraulic Research (weitere Informationen).

Kramer, M.; Bung, D.B.: Improving the measurement of air-water flow properties using remote distance sensing technology, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.: Kamerabasierte Fließtiefen- und Geschwindigkeitsmessungen, Wasserwirtschaft 04/2024, pp. 47-53 (weitere Informationen).


Bung, D.B.: Imaging techniques for investigation of free-surface flows in hydraulic laboratories, Habilitationsschrift, LuFG Wasserwirtschaft und Wasserbau, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (weitere Informationen).

Langohr, P.; Bung, D.B.: Influence of Cycle Number in CFD Studies of Labyrinth Weirs, 40th IAHR World Congress, Wien.


von Häfen, J.; Krautwald, C.; Goseberg, N.; Stolle, J.; Bung, D.B.: Overland Flow of Broken Solitary Waves over a Two-Dimensional Coastal Plane, Coastal Engineering (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.; Erpicum, S.; Peltier, Y.; Dewals, B.: Unsteady Shallow Meandering Flows in Rectangular Reservoirs: A Modal Analysis of URANS Modelling, Journal of Hydro-environment Research (weitere Informationen).

Langohr, P.; Bung, D.B.; Crookston, B.M.: Hybrid Investigation of Labyrinth Weirs: Discharge Capacity and Energy Dissipation, 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada.

Crookston, B.M.; Bung, D.B.: Application of RGB-D Cameras in Hydraulic Laboratory Studies, 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada.


Bung, D.B.: Extreme flooding in Western Germany: Some thoughts on hazards, return periods and risk, IAHR Hydrolink (4) (weitere Informationen).

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Hochwasserschutz – Eine Aufgabe für eine nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft, Wasserwirtschaft (9-10/2021) (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Schalko, I.; Friedrich, H.; Abad, J.D.; Bung, D.B.; Donchyts, G.; Felder, S.; Ferreira, R.M.L.; Hohermuth, B.; Kramer, M.; Li, D.; Mendes, L.; Moreno-Rodenas, A.; Nones, M.; Paron, P.; Ruiz-Villanueva, V.; Wang, R.-Q.; Franca, M.J.: Pathways towards democratization of hydro-environment observations and data, IAHR White Paper Series (weitere Informationen)

Erpicum, S.; Crookston, B.M.; Bombardelli, F.; Bung, D.B.; Felder, S.; Mulligan, S.; Oertel, M.; Palermo, Michele: Hydraulic Structures Engineering: An Evolving Science in a Changing World, WIREs Water 8(2) (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.; Crooston, B.M.; Valero, D.: Turbulent free-surface monitoring with an RGB-D sensor: the hydraulic jump case, Journal of Hydraulic Research 59(5), pp. 779 - 790 (weitere Informationen).


Bung, D.B.; Erpicum, S.; Tullis, B.P.: Announcement to the Special Collection on "Advances in Hydraulic Structures Engineering", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Chanson, H.; Bung, D.B.: Robust estimators for free surface turbulence characterization: A stepped spillway application, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.; Crookston, B.M.: Closure to „Energy Dissipation of a Type III Basin under Design and Adverse Conditions for Stepped and Smooth Spillways“, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146(2) (weitere Informationen).


Kramer, M.; Valero, D.; Chanson, H.; Bung, D.B.: Towards reliable turbulence estimations with phase-detection probes: an adaptive window cross-correlation technique, Experiments in Fluids 60:2 (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.; Oertel, M.: Wave breaking over a submerged horizontal plate: Optical Flow, LES and RANS, 38th IAHR World Congress, Panama City.

Tullis, B.P.; Crookston, B.M.; Bung, D.B.: Weir head-discharge relationships: A multi-lab exercise, 38th IAHR World Congress, Panama City.

Valero, D.; Kramer, M.; Bung, D.B.; Chanson, H.: A stochastic bubble generator for air-water flow research, 38th IAHR World Congress, Panama City.


Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.: Re-Aeration on Stepped Spillways with Special Consideration of Entrained and Entrapped Air, Geosciences 8(9):333 (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.; Hermens, G.: Hybrid investigation on the hydraulic performance of a new trapezoidal fishway, 7th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures,Aachen.

Valero, D.; Vogel, J.; Schmidt, D.; Bung, D.B.: Three-dimensional flow structure inside the cavity of a non-aerated stepped chute, 7th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Aachen.

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.; Crookston, B.M.: Energy Dissipation of a Type III Basin under Design and Adverse Conditions for Stepped and Smooth Spillways, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 144(7) (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.:  Vectrino Profiler spatial filtering for shear flows based on the mean velocity gradient equation, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 144(7) (weitere Informationen).

Zhang, G.; Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.; Chanson, H.: On the estimation of free-surface turbulence using ultrasonic sensors, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 60, pp. 171-184 (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.: Reformulating self-aeration in hydraulic structures: turbulent growth of free surface perturbations leading to air entrainment, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 100, pp. 127-142 (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.: Artificial Neural Networks and pattern recognition for air-water flow velocity estimation using a single-tip optical fibre probe, Journal of Hydro-environment Research 19, pp. 150-159 (weitere Informationen).


Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.: Reformulating self-aeration in hydraulic structures: turbulent growth of free surface perturbations leading to air entrainment, International Journal of Multiphase Flow (weitere Informationen).

Crookston, B.M. ; Crowley, L.W.; Johnson, C.M.; Bung, D.B.: Effective Application of Three-dimensional Numerical Modeling for the Design and Analysis of Dams, ASDSO Annual Conference 2017, San Antonio.

Crookston, B.M.; Tullis, B.P., Palermo, M.; Bung, D.B.: 6th International Symposium On Hydraulic Structures: A Retrospect, IAHR Hydrolink 01/2017.

Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.: FlowCV - An open-source toolbox for computer vision applications in turbulent flows, 37th IAHR World Congress, Kuala Lumpur.

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.; Erpicum, S.; Dewals, B.: Numerical study of turbulent oscillations around a cylinder: RANS capabilities and sensitivity analysis, 37th IAHR World Congress, Kuala Lumpur.

Kerpen, N.B.; Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.; Schlurmann, T.: Energy Dissipation Within the Wave Run-Up at Stepped Revetments, J. Ocean Univ. China 16, pp. 649-654 (weitere Informationen).

Lopes., P; Leandro, J.; Carvalho, R.F.; Bung, D.B.: Alternating skimming flow over a stepped spillway. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 17, pp. 303-323 (weitere Informationen).


Bleninger, T.; Brenda, M.; Bung, D.B.; Hengl, M.; Schmid, B.H.; Schneider, E.; Sonnenburg, A., Stoschek, O.: Ausbreitungsprobleme von Einleitungen – Prozesse, Methoden und Modelle – Teil 2: Mehrdimensionale Modelle, Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (DWA), Merkblatt DWA-M 544-2, ISBN 978-3-88721-281-0.

Bleninger, T.; Brenda, M.; Bung, D.B.; Hengl, M.; Schmid, B.H.; Schneider, E.; Sonnenburg, A., Stoschek, O.: Ausbreitungsprobleme von Einleitungen – Prozesse, Methoden und Modelle – Teil 1: Anwendungsgrundlagen, Schätzformeln und eindimensionale Modelle, Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (DWA), Merkblatt DWA-M 544-1, ISBN 978-3-88721-280-3.

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.: Sensitivity of turbulent Schmidt number and turbulence model to simulations of jets in crossflow, Environmental Modeling and Software 82, pp. 218-228 (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.: Development of the Interfacial Air Layer in the Non-Aerated Region of High-Velocity Spillway Flows. Instabilities Growth, Entrapped Air and Influence on the Self-Aeration Onset, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 84, pp. 66-74 (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.: Optical flow estimation in aerated flows, Journal of Hydraulic Research 54(5), pp. 575-580 (weitere Informationen).

Kerpen, N.B.; Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.; Schlurmann, T.: Energy dissipation within the wave run-up at stepped revetments, 8th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 2016, Qingdao.

Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.: Image processing techniques for velocity estimation in highly aerated flows: Bubble Image Velocimetry vs. Optical Flow, 4th European IAHR Congress, Lüttich.

Valero, D.; Bung, D.; Oertel, M.: Turbulent dispersion in bounded horizontal jets. RANS capabilities and physical modeling comparison, 4th European IAHR Congress, Lüttich.

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Scouring Processes Downstream a Crossbar Block Ramp, 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland.

Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.: Application of the Optical Flow Method to Velocity Determination in Hydraulic Structure Models, 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland.

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.; Crookston, B.; Matos, J.: Numerical investigation of USBR type III stilling basin performance downstream of smooth and stepped spillways, 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland.

Valero, D.; Bung, D.:  Interfacial velocity estimation in highly aerated stepped spillway flows with a single tip fibre optical probe and Artificial Neural Networks, 6th International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, Lübeck.


Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Stability and Scour Development of Bed Material on Crossbar Block Ramps, International Journal of Sediment Research 30, pp. 344-350 (weitere Informationen).

Chanson, H.; Bung, D.B., Matos, J.: Stepped spillways and cascades, In: Chanson, H. (Ed.): Energy dissipation in hydraulic structures (IAHR monograph), CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-13-802755-8 (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.: Laboratory models of free-surface flows, In: Rowinski, P.; Radecki-Pawlik, A. (Eds.): Rivers – Physical, Fluvial and Environmental Processes, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-17718-2 (weitere Informationen).

Valero, D.; Bung, D.B.: Hybrid investigation of air transport processes in moderately sloped stepped spillway flows, 36th IAHR World Congress, Den Haag.

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Numerical simulation of erosion processes on crossbar block ramps, 36th IAHR World Congress, Den Haag.

Bung, D.B.; Valero, D.: Image processing for Bubble Image Velocimetry in self-aerated flows, 36th IAHR World Congress, Den Haag.

Lopes, P.; Bung, D.B.; Leandro, J.; Cavalho, R.F.: The effect of cross-waves in physical stepped spillway models, 36th IAHR World Congress, Den Haag.

Bühler, P.; Leandro, J.; Bung, D.B.; Lopes, P.; Carvalho, R.F.: Measuring void fraction of a stepped spillway with non-intrusive methods using different image resolutions, 2nd International Workshop on Hydraulic Structures: Data Validation (IWHS 2015), Coimbra.

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Numerische Strömungssimulationen von Fließgewässern – Praxisanwendungen und zukünftige Entwicklungen, Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 8(3), pp. 177-182.


Bung, D.B.: Observations on non-aerated flow and air entrainment on moderately sloped stepped spillways, 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 2014, Hannover.

Leandro, J.; Bung, D.B., Carvalho, R.: Measuring void fraction and velocity fields of a stepped spillway for skimming flow using non-intrusive methods, Experiments in Fluids, 55(5) (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.; Oertel, M.: Manipulation of non-aerated cavity flow on a stepped spillway model, 3rd European IAHR Congress, Porto.

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Numerische Strömungssimulation von Fließgewässern – Wo stehen wir und was werden wir im Laufe der nächsten Jahre erreichen?, 37. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2014, Dresden.


Gogolin, C.; Carvalho, R.; Bung, D.B.; Matos, J.: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Steady and Unsteady Flows in Roughened Channels with Cross Beams, 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu.

Bung, D.B.: Air-water surface roughness in self-aerated stepped spillway flows, 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu.

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Comparison of 2D dam-break waves with VOF and SPH method, 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu.

Bung, D.B.: Non-intrusive detection of air-water surface roughness in self-aerated chute flows, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 51(3), pp. 322-329 (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B., Pagliara, S. (eds): International Workshop on Hydraulic Design of Low-Head Structures, Proceedings of the Workshop organized by the IAHR Hydraulic Structures Committee, Eigenverlag der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe (externer Download).


Schlurmann, T.; Bung, D.B.: Experimental investigation of flow-induced radial gate vibrations at Lower Subansiri dam, 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 2012, Keelung.

Bung, D.B.: Developing flow in skimming flow regime on embankment stepped spillways (Closure), Journal of Hydraulic Research, 50(4), pp. 439-442 (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.: Sensitivity of phase detection techniques in aerated chute flows to hydraulic design parameters, 2nd European IAHR Congress, München.

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B..; Schlenkhoff, A.: Blocksteinrampen in Riegelbauweise -
Neue Bemessungsansätze
; 35. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2012, Dresden.

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Initial stage of two-dimensional dam-break waves: Laboratory vs. VOF, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 50(1), pp. 89-97 (weitere Informationen).

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.: Characteristics of cross-bar block ramp flows, 4th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Porto. 

Bung, D.B.; Sun, Q.; Meireles, I.; Matos, J.; Viseu, T.: USBR type III stilling basin performance for steep stepped spillways, 4th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Porto.


Bung, D.B.: Developing flow in skimming flow regime on embankment stepped spillways, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 49(5), pp. 639-648 (weitere Informationen).

Bung, D.B.: Non-Intrusive measuring of air-water flow properties in self-aerated stepped spillway flow, 34th IAHR World Congress – Balance and Uncertainty (Water in a changing world), Brisbane, pp. 2380-2387.

Ahmed, H.; Schlenkhoff, A.; Bung, D.B.: Hydrodynamic characteristics of vertical slotted wall breakwaters, 34th IAHR World Congress – Balance and Uncertainty (Water in a changing world), Brisbane, pp. 1179-1186. 

Bung, D.B.: Fließcharakteristik und Sauerstoffeintrag bei selbstbelüfteten Gerinneströmungen auf Kaskaden mit gemäßigter Neigung, Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 63 (3-4), pp. 76-81 (weitere Informationen). 

Kerpen, N.B.; Daemrich, K.-F.; Verworn, F.; Bung, D.B.; Schlurmann, T.: Ermittlung von Wellenüberlaufmengen an Sturmflutschutzwänden auf Deichen, 8. FZK-Kolloquium, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover.


Bung, D.B.; Oertel, M.; Schlenkhoff, A.; Schlurmann, T.: Flash flood awareness and prevention in Germany, Workshop on Early Warning for Flash Floods, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Prag.

Bung, D.B.: A comparative study of self-aerated stepped spillway and smooth invert chute flow: The effect of step-induced macro-roughness, Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 2010, Tianjin.

Kerpen, N.B.; Bung, D.B.; Schlurmann, T.: Physical model investigations of pressure distributions next to ships passing through a lock, Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 2010, Tianjin.

Bung, D.B.; Schlenkhoff, A.: Self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways: The effect of additional micro-roughness on energy dissipation and oxygen transfer, 1st European IAHR Congress, Edinburgh (externer Download).

Kerpen, N.B.; Bung, D.B.; Schlurmann, T.: Physical model investigations of ships passing through a lock, 3rd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, Hydraulic Structures Section of the IAHR, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (weitere Informationen und externer Download).

Heinz, G.; Oertel,M.; Bung, D.B.: Investigations on a cooling water system for a gas turbine facility concerning air vortexes and sediment transport, 3rd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, Hydraulic Structures Section of the IAHR, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (weitere Informationen und externer Download).

Bung, D.B.; Schlenkhoff, A.: Selbstbelüftete Gerinneströmungen auf Treppenschussrinnen, 15. Deutsches Talsperrensymposium –Talsperren im Wandel, Shaker Verlag, Aachen.


Bung, D.B.: Zur selbstbelüfteten Gerinneströmung auf Kaskaden mit gemäßigter Neigung, Dissertation, Shaker Verlag, Aachen (externer Download).

Bung, D.B.; Schlenkhoff, A.; Oertel, M.: Self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways, 33rd IAHR World Congress – Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Vancouver (externer Download). 

Oertel, M.; Bung, D.B.; Schlenkhoff, A.: Flash Flood Awareness and Prevention, 33rd IAHR World Congress – Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Vancouver (externer Download).

Schlenkhoff, A.; Bung, D.B.: Prediction of oxygen transfer in self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways, 33rd IAHR World Congress – Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Vancouver (externer Download). 


Bung, D.B.; Hildebrandt, A.; Oertel, M.; Schlenkhoff, A.; Schlurmann, T.: Bore propagation over a submerged horizontal plate by physical and numerical simulation, 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Hamburg.

Bung, D.B.; Schlenkhoff, A.: Optimization of the Reaeration Potential on Embankment Stepped Spillways in Skimming Flow Regime; In: Pagliara, S.; Hydraulic Structures, Proceedings of the 2nd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures; Hydraulic Structures Section of the IAHR, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pisa.


Oertel, M.; Bung, D.; Schlenkhoff, A.: Flächenhafte Flutwellenausbreitung und anschließende Flutung unterirdischer Bauwerke; In: Horlacher, H. B. & Graw, K.-U.; Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen, Heft 35, Fünf Jahre nach der Flut; Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik, Technische Universität Dresden.

Bung, D.: Optimierung des potentiellen Sauerstoffeintrags auf Treppenschussrinnen mit gemäßigter Neigung; In: Theobald, S.; 9. JuWi-Treffen, Beiträge zum Treffen junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und junger Wissenschaftler deutschsprachiger Wasserbauinstitute; Fachgebiet Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft, Universität Kassel.