All about studying
General information for students at the faculty (all degree programmes)
Information, dates, contacts and counselling services
Important information on registration procedures, examinations, compulsory elective subjects, interdisciplinary projects and job opportunities for students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
Opening hours
Opening hours of the buildings at Campus Eupener Straße
| until further notice 07.00-19.00
| Timetable DIB 1st semester
| Timetable MCD 3rd semester
| Timetable MCD 5th semester
| TimetableINF 1st semester
| Timetable INF 3rd semester
| Timetable INF 5th semester
| Timetable ET 1st semester
| Timetable ET 3rd semester
| Timetable ET 5th semester
| Timetable WI 1st semester
| Timetable WI 3rd semester
| Timetable WI 5th semester
| Timetable ISE Master
| Timetable ET Master
Registration for elective subjects
Specialisation studies - Registration and allocation procedure for practical trainings in the elective subjects
| Registration procedure for compulsory electives
Registration for interdisciplinary projects
Specialisation studies - Pre-booking, registration and allocation of IPs
Registration for compulsory practical trainings
Core studies - registration is required for participation in practical trainings
Registration soft skill subjects
Core studies - registration is required for participation in soft skills subjects
| Registration procedure for soft skills subjects
Examination Regulations
Students should always read the Examination Regulations for their degree programme
practical semester
Students on the Bachelor's degree programme have the opportunity to complete a practical semester.
Practical project
Before starting their final thesis, students work independently on a practical project
| Practical project step by step
Final thesis and colloquium
After completing the practical project, students can begin their final thesis
Contact for questions and concerns that have not been clarified here
| Contact person in the study programme