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Medical Engineering (AOS) B.Eng.

Internationally Oriented Studies

Every second counts, every move counts: doctors fight for the lives of their patients every day. Medical devices such as heart-lung machines, dialysis machines and infusion pumps support them in this endeavour. Whether artificial joints or synthetic organs, doctors must be able to rely one hundred per cent on the quality of the medical technology products they use for their patients. Medicine without technology is unthinkable today. Technicians and engineers are constantly driving forward research in the field of medical technology. After all, the aim is to save lives and improve quality of life.

As a result, medical technology has developed into a key technology worldwide. It builds on the foundations of engineering sciences and thus combines medical, technical and biological expertise. Only through interdisciplinary collaboration can scientists develop tailor-made solutions to the problems arising from the increasing mechanisation of medicine. Medical technology is one of the most innovative sectors in Germany. But that's not all: in a global comparison, Germany is the third largest producer of medical technology goods - after the USA and Japan.

At FH Aachen, you will study in a practical, well-founded and at the same time research-orientated way. Whether in cooperation with industry, the Jülich Research Centre or the Bioengineering Competence Platform: you will always find an exciting topic for your research projects, Bachelor's and Master's theses or cooperative doctorates - curiosity and a thirst for research are all you need. On these pages you will find information on the Internationally Oriented Studies variant of this degree programme, which is aimed specifically at students from abroad who wish to strengthen their German language skills, in particular their specialist vocabulary and intercultural skills, during their study progress.

Degree Programme Medical Engineering B.Eng.

Medical Engineering and Technomathematics
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each winter semester
Prescribed Period of Study

6 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language

directly to FH Aachen

Possible postgraduate Master's Programmes at the FH Aachen

Medizintechnik/ Medical Engineering M.Sc.

Prüfungsordnung Bachelorstudiengänge „Medizintechnik“, „Medizintechnik mit Praxissemester“ und „Medical Engineering (AOS)“ Studienbeginn ab Wintersemester 2024/25

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All information about the degree programme

occupational fields
Programme content
Was ist AOS?


Der Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik läd alle Erstsemesterstudierenden zu den diesjährigen Orientierungstagen am 26.09.2024 und 27.09.2024 am Campus Jülich ein. Diese werden von der ErstSemesterArbeit (ESA) in Zusammenarbeit mit den Fachschaften Jülich organisiert und durchgeführt. Detailierte Informationen entnehmen Sie dem Ablaufplan.

Wir empfehlen Ihnen unbedingt an diesen Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen, Sie erhalten wichtige Informationen für einen guten Start ins Studium.

Wichtige und spezifischen Informationen zum Studiengang Medical Engieering finden Sie im ILIAS (Login erforderlich).

Head of degree programme

Digel, Ilya, Prof. Dr.

Photo Prof. Dr. Ilya Digel
Fachbereich 9 - Medizintechnik und Technomathematik
Institute - Institut für Bioengineering (IFB)
Heinrich-Mußmann-Straße 1
Room 01E11
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Mo, 10 bis 12 Uhr

Kotliar, Konstantin, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Teaching Subject: Mathematik
Photo Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Kotliar
Fachbereich 9 - Medizintechnik und Technomathematik
Institute - Institut für Bioengineering (IFB)

Teaching Subject

Heinrich-Mussmann-Str. 1
Room 01E11
52428 Jülich