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Nuclear Applications M.Sc.

The Master of Nuclear Applications (MNA) aims to provide students from different fields of engineering and natural sciences with fundamental and practical knowledge in Nuclear Science, e.g. radiation protection, radiation detection methods or radiation biology. In addition to the fundamentals, students can specialise in four different subject areas:

> Nuclear Technology

> Nuclear Chemistry

> Medical Physics

> Nuclear Waste Disposal

Experts from the subject areas hold lectures and provide practical training: Professors from three different faculties of FH Aachen and teachers from the Forschungszentrum (Research Centre) Jülich, the (Federal) Society for Interim Storage BGZ, the University Hospital Aachen, the Universities of Cologne and Essen, and from industry.

Our students also benefit from our networks. On a national level, these are, for example, the Competence Centre Forum Nuclear Technology West and the German Competence Alliance Nuclear Technology. At the European level, we are a founding member of the CHERNE university network, which gives students access to courses and facilities (e.g. research reactors and accelerators) at partner universities.

Our Master's degree programme is truly international. Students from a number of countries have studied with us so far: Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Jordan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela. In the coming years, we hope to welcome students from other countries as well.

Profile Nuclear Applications M.Sc.

Degree Programme Nuclear Applications M.Sc.

Chemistry and Biotechnology
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each winter semester
Prescribed Period of Study

4 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language

directly to FH Aachen

All Information about the Degree Programme

Occupational Fields
Study Contents

Information Sessions

Information Sessions

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Then you will find all the information on the
pages of the Faculty of Che,istry and Biotechnology.


Subject-Specific Academic Counselling

Photo Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karl Ziemons

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Karl Ziemons Professor

Fachbereich 9 - Medizintechnik und Technomathematik

Teaching Subject

Medizinische Physik
Heinrich-Mußmann-Strasse 1
Room 01F19
52428 Jülich

Consultation Hours

Di. von 10:15-12:00Uhr und Do. von 13:30-15:00Uhr