Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Information for Teachers and Parents

The Central Student Advisory Service of the FH Aachen is responsible for the Aachen city region and the districts of Düren and Heinsberg in the state project KAoA (Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss).

In concrete terms, this means that we develop and implement study and career guidance services for pupils. In addition, we channel the offers of the FH Aachen with its ten faculties and make them clearly available. Conversely, we are the first point of contact for schools and teachers interested in cooperation.

In the past, useful overviews have already been created which make it easier for schools to allocate the offers of the FH Aachen to the standard elements in KAoA:

The Aachen city region has also developed an advisory tool for its region that can serve as a guide for teachers.

Elternvortrag "Auf dem Weg ins Studium - wie kann ich mein Kind begleiten?"

Online-Informationsveranstaltung für Eltern von Oberstufenschüle:rinnen

Am Dienstag, 19. März 2024, von 19 bis 21 Uhr, bietet die Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Kooperation mit der RWTH Aachen und der Fachhochschule Aachen eine digitale Informationsveranstaltung (über das Video-Programm Zoom) zum Thema „Studienorientierung und Studienentscheidung“ explizit für Eltern an.

Eltern, die ihre Kinder bei der Entscheidung für ein Studium unterstützen möchten, setzen sich oft mit vielen Fragen gleichzeitig auseinander. Neben den Gesprächen in der Familie über Interessen, Neigungen sowie mögliche Berufe und Werdegänge müssen auch Werbung, Gerüchte und neue Regelungen in der Studienplatzvergabe verarbeitet werden: Vieles ist für Eltern genauso neu wie für die Studieninteressierten. Mit der Einführung des Bachelor-Master-Systems und der wachsenden Vielfalt der Studienangebote sind auch Eltern nur ansatzweise vertraut. Oftmals ersetzen dann Schulhofgerüchte und „Hören-Sagen“ die korrekten Informationen und verhindern, dass Jugendliche ihre Möglichkeiten gut einschätzen und nutzen können.

Unser gemeinsamer Vortrag beantwortet viele Fragen, die in den Studienberatungen der Hochschulen häufig gestellt werden und bietet Informationen zur Rolle der Eltern im Berufswahlprozess, Informationen zu Studienangebot und Studienaufnahme an der FH Aachen und RWTH Aachen sowie weiteren Themen (zum Beispiel Studienfinanzierung, Unterschiede FH-Uni, Bewerbung, NC und so weiter).

Die Anmeldung zum Online-Vortrag erfolgt bis zum 18. März 2024 über die Website der RWTH.

Study guidance at school - Send request

The Central Student Advisory Service (Zentrale Studienberatung) comes to schools to offer information and advice on choosing a course of study - we are happy to be available with an information stand and/or a lecture!

A lecture can be given individually on the following topics according to the desired focus:

  • Study choice orientation
    (general lecture on the topics of studying and study orientation without reference to a specific university)
  • Range of studies offeredat the FH Aachen
    (if desired, also with a focus on certain subject groups)

Simply send us your request using this contact form.

What is KAoA?

The state project "Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss - Übergang Schule/Beruf in NRW" (KAoA) is an element of North Rhine-Westphalia's education, youth and social policy. It includes a systematic transition system for all pupils from general education school to university or vocational training, in which individual measures are transferred into a comprehensive overall system of career and study orientation.

KAoA pursues a preventive approach in which pupils are supported as early as possible in their study and career orientation, in acquiring practical vocational experience and in entering university or vocational training.

Standard elements were developed for KAoA, which are firmly implemented in the pupils' lessons within the framework of the project. Here are short explanatory films on the standard elements for Sek I and Sek II.

The role of the higher education institutions as actors in this standardised system is mainly in the area of study orientation.

As part of the state-wide programme "Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss" (KAoA), a database was developed in cooperation with the 32 state universities in North Rhine-Westphalia, which teachers, parents and students can use to find suitable offers for study orientation across all universities.

The intuitive search function is supplemented by a variety of general information on the topic of studying, a university ABC and a FAQ section.

In addition to the counselling and study orientation offers of the individual universities and the contact details of the respective study counselling centres, the site also presents the universities by means of a short profile.

The advantages of this database are

  • all public higher education institutions maintain their offers and update the information regularly
  • the offers are already assigned to the KAoA standard elements


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