Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Dikta
Bootstrap Methods: With Applications in R
Dikta, Gerhard ; Scheer, Marsel (2021)
Cham : Springer 2021. - XVI, 256 Seiten
Beiträge zur nichtparametrischen Schätzung der Regressionsfunktion
Dikta, Gerhard (1987)
1987. - 81 S.
Kompakte und perfekte Maße
Dikta, Gerhard (1983)
Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk
Fundamentals of applied probability and basic statistics
Dikta, Gerhard (1998)
Critical care nephrology / [Hrsg.:] Claudio Ronco and Rinaldo Bellomo. Dordrecht : Springer 1998. Seite: 51 - 61
Bootstrap based goodness‑of‑fit tests for binary multivariate regression models
Heel, Mareike van ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Braekers, Roel (2021)
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. Singapur : Springer Nature. 51 (2021). - 28 Seiten
2005-2863 (Online)
1226-3192 (Print)
Semi-parametric random censorship models
Dikta, Gerhard (2017)
From Statistics to Mathematical Finance : Festschrift in Honour of Winfried Stute. Berlin : Springer. (2017). Seite: 43 - 56
Semi-parametric survival function estimators deduced from an identifying Volterra type integral equation
Dikta, Gerhard ; Reißel, Martin ; Harlaß, Carsten (2016)
Journal of multivariate analysis. Amsterdam : Elsevier. (2016), H. 147. Seite: 273 - 284
Asymptotic representation of presmoothed Kaplan–Meier integrals with covariates in a semiparametric censorship model
Dikta, Gerhard ; Kühlheim, René ; Mendonca, Jorge ; Una-Alcarez, Jacobo de (2015)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Amsterdam : Elsevier. Vol. 171 (2015). Seite: 10 - 37
Asymptotically efficient estimation under semi-parametric random censorship models
Dikta, Gerhard (2014)
Journal of multivariate analysis. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 124 (2014). Seite: 10 - 24
1095-7243 (E-Journal)
0047-259X (Print)
Additional hemodynamic measurements with an esophageal Doppler monitor: a preliminary report of compliance, force, kinetic energy, and afterload in the clinical setting
Atlas, Glen ; Brealey, David ; Dhar, Sunil ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Singer, Meryvn (2012)
Journal of clinical monitoring and computing. London : Springer Nature. (2012), H. 26. Seite: 473 - 482
Inverse censoring weighted median regression / Sundarraman Subramanian and Gerhard Dikta
Dikta, Gerhard ; Subramanian, Sundarraman (2009)
Statistical Methodology. 6 (2009), H. 6. Amsterdam : Elsevier. (2009). Seite: 594 - 603
Combined Pioglitazone and Metformin Treatment Maintains the Beneficial Effect of Short-Term Insulin Infusion in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Results from a Pilot Study
Musholt, Petra B. ; Schöndorf, Thomas ; Pfützner, Andreas ; Hohberg, Cloth ; Kleine, Iris ; Fuchs, Winfried ; Hehenwarter, Silvia ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Kerschgens, Benedikt ; Forst, Thomas (2009)
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 3 (2009), H. 6. London : Sage Publishing. (2009). Seite: 1442 - 1450
Hemoglobin senses body temperature
Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya ; Zerlin, Kay ; Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina ; Linder, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Stadler, David ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2009)
European Biophysics Journal. Seite: 589 - 600
Pleiotrophic and anti-inflammatory effects of pioglitazone precede the metabolic activity in type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease
Forst, Thomas ; Karagiannis, E. ; Lübben, G. ; Hohberg, C. ; Schöndorf, T. ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Drexler, M. ; Morcos, M. ; Dänschel, W. ; Borchert, M. ; Pfützner, A. (2008)
Atherosclerosis. 197 (2008), H. 1. Seite: 311 - 317
The Bootstrap in Binary Model Diagnostics
Dikta, Gerhard (2008)
Frontiers of applied and computational mathematics : New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, 19 - 21 May 2008 ; [dedicated to Daljit Singh Ahluwalia on his 75th birthday ; Fifth Annual Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics Conference (FACM '08) ; selection of papers] / ed. by Denis Blackmore. Hackensack, NJ [u.a.] : World Scientific. (2008). - XVII, 258 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 119 - 126
Bewerten von Schäden durch Blitzeinwirkungen
Kern, Alexander ; Dikta, Gerhard (2008)
Elektropraktiker. 62 (2008), H. 4. Seite: 338 - 342
Zur Wahrscheinlichkeit für Schäden an elektrischen und elektronischen Einrichtungen durch indirekte Blitzeinschläge - Auswertung von Schadensstatistiken, analytischen und numerischen Berechnungen
Kern, Alexander ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Krichel, Frank (2007)
7. VDE-ABB-Blitzschutztagung : Vorträge der VDE-ABB-Fachtagung vom 15. bis 16. November 2007 in Neu-Ulm / Veranst.: Ausschuss für Blitzschutz und Blitzforschung (ABB) im VDE, Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e.V. Wiss. Tagungsltg.: K. Stimper. Berlin : VDE-Verl.. (2007). - 186 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. + 1 CD-ROMSeite: 1 - 9
Bootstrap Approximations in Model Checks for Binary Data
Dikta, Gerhard ; Kvesic, Marsel ; Schmidt, Christian (2006)
Journal of the American Statistical Association. 101 (2006), H. 474. Seite: 521 - 530
Time series methods to forecast patent filings
Dikta, Gerhard (2006)
Forecasting innovations : methods for predicting numbers of patent filings ; with 71 tables / Peter Hingley ; Marc Nicolas (ed.),. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer. (2006). - VI, 267 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 95 - 124
The Central Limit Theorem under Semiparametric Random Censorship Models
Dikta, Gerhard ; Ghorai, Jugal ; Schmidt, Christian (2005)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 127 (2005), H. 1. Seite: 23 - 51
Sensitivity analysis for the reduction of complex metabolism models / Degenring, D. ; Froemmel, C. ; Dikta, G.; Takors, R.
Dikta, Gerhard ; Degenring, D. ; Froemmel, C. ; Takors, R. (2004)
Journal of Process Control. 14 (2004). Seite: 729 - 745
Some Simulation Results under Random Censorship Models
Dikta, Gerhard ; Hausmann, Rolf ; Schmidt, Christian (2002)
Seite: 1 - 12
Weak Representation of the Cumulative Hazard Function under Semiparametric Random Censorship Models
Dikta, Gerhard (2001)
Statistics. 35 (2001), H. 4. Seite: 395 - 410
The Strong Law under Semiparametric Random Censorship Models
Dikta, Gerhard (2000)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 83 (2000), H. 1. Seite: 1 - 10
Hemorheology and walking distance of Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease patients during treatment with Ginkgo-biloba extract
Li, Anlan ; Shi, Young de ; Landsmann, B. ; Schankowski-Bouvier, P. ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Bauer, U. ; Artmann, Gerhard (1998)
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica = ZHONGUO YAOLI XUEBAO. 19 (1998), H. 5. Seite: 417 - 421
On Semiparametric Random Censorship Models
Dikta, Gerhard (1998)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 66 (1998), H. 2. Seite: 253 - 279
Asymptotic Normality Under the Koziol-Green Model
Dikta, Gerhard (1995)
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 24 (1995), H. 6. Seite: 1537 - 1549
A Note on the Rate of Convergence of the Bootstrap
Dikta, Gerhard (1993)
Journal of Approximation Theory. 75 (1993), H. 1. Seite: 112 - 114
Bootstrap Approximation of Nearest Neighbor Regression Function Estimates
Dikta, Gerhard (1990)
Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 32 (1990), H. 2. Seite: 213 - 229
Bootstrap Approximation with Censored Data under the Proportional Hazard Model
Dikta, Gerhard ; Ghorai, J. K. (1990)
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 19 (1990), H. 2. Seite: 573 - 581
Sequential Fixed-Width Confidence Bands for Distribution Functions Under Random Censoring
Dikta, Gerhard ; Kurtz, B. ; Stute, W. (1989)
Metrika. 36 (1989). Seite: 167 - 176
Finding a well performing box-jenkins forecasting model for annualised patent filings counts
Hingley, Peter ; Dikta, Gerhard (2019)
International Symposium on Forecasting, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2019. 2019. - 24 Folien
Probability of damage of electrical and electronic systems due to indirect lightning flashes - investigation of data from German insurance companies
Kern, Alexander ; Dikta, Gerhard (2009)