Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Media Pool

Would you like to know what you actually do in practical training in cell culture technology? Or would you like to see how cells grow in time-lapse? In our media gallery you will find videos and pictures on these topics. Many videos were created in the course of the digitalisation of teaching due to the Corona pandemic. Now that the pandemic is over, these videos still offer a first impression of the experiments in the practical training Cell Culture Technology. The picture gallery shows some photos of cells that we work with or have worked with in our laboratory.

Cell growth

Growth of CHO cells in fast motion

In this video you can see the growth of CHO cells (ACC 110) in a microwell plate. Recorded in the TECAN Spark microplate reader, under 5%CO2, 37°C and using a Humidity Cassette to prevent evaporation. The video consists of about 720 frames, recorded in just under 70 hours.


Experiments from the practical training in cell culture technology

The following videos were created as part of the digitalisation of internship trials due to the Corona pandemic. The Corona pandemic has greatly changed the educational landscape worldwide. In particular, the temporary closure of schools and universities posed enormous challenges for teachers and learners. In order to nevertheless ensure continuous learning progress, we had to rely on digital solutions. In the course of the digitalisation of practical experiments, for example, videos were created to give students at least theoretical insights into the experiments despite the closure of laboratories.

Subcultivation of CHO cells

An example showing work on the safety cabinet using the subcultivation of CHO cells.

Growth curve with hybridoma cells

In this video we show how to create a growth curve using hybridoma cells as an example.

Cells count with the Neubauerkammer

This video describes in detail how to count cells with the help of a newcomer chamber and how to calculate the cell count.

Cytotoxicity test

One of the experiments in the practical training in cell culture technology is the cytotoxicity test. The influence of ammonium and osmolality on the growth of CHO and hybridoma cells serves as a model. In this video, the procedure of the experiment is shown using the example of the effects of osmolality on CHO cells.

What do animal cells look like under the microscope?