
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marko Schuba


Unternehmenseigene Ermittlungen : Recht - Kriminalistik - IT

Galley, Birgit ; Minoggio, Ingo ; Schuba, Marko ; Bischoff, Barbara ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm (2016)
Berlin : Erich Schmidt Verlag 2016. - XIII, 372 S.

Skalierbare und zuverlässige Multicast-Kommunikation im Internet

Schuba, Marko (1999)
Aachen : Shaker 1999. - IV, 198 S. : graph. Darst.

Lokale Netze - Skript zur Vorlesung an der RWTH Aachen / Spaniol, Otto,

Schuba, Marko ; Schuba, Marko ; Reichl, Peter ; Schneider, Gaby (1998)
Aachen : Mainz 1998. - 138 S. : graph. Darst.

Systemprogrammierung : Skript zur Vorlesung an der RWTH Aachen / Otto Spaniol ...

Schuba, Marko ; Linnhoff-Popien, Claudia ; Reichl, Peter ; Schuba, Marko (1996)
Aachen : Verl. der Augustinus-Buchh. 1996. - VIII, 166 S. : graph. Darst.

Rechnerstrukturen : Skript zur Vorlesung an der RWTH Aachen / Spaniol, Otto ; Linnhoff-Popien, Claudia ; Schuba, Marko

Schuba, Marko ; Spaniol, Otto ; Linnhoff-Popien, Claudia (1995)
Aachen : Verl. der Augustinus-Buchh. 1995. - V, 134 S. : graph. Darst.

Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk


Engländer, Jacques ; Kaminski, Lars ; Schuba, Marko (2022)
Digitalisierungs- und Informationsmanagement. Berlin : Springer Vieweg 2022. Seite: 373 - 398
978-3-662-63757-9 , 978-3-662-63758-6

Cybersicherheit in Produktion, Automotive und intelligenten Gebäuden

Schuba, Marko ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm (2022)
IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices für die Umsetzung im Unternehmen. München : Carl Hanser Verlag 2022. Seite: 193 - 218
978-3-446-47223-5 , 978-3-446-47347-8


Challenges and Opportunities in Securing the Industrial Internet of Things

Serror, Martin ; Hack, Sacha ; Henze, Martin ; Schuba, Marko ; Wehrle, Klaus (2021)
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. New York : IEEE. 17 (2021), H. 5. Seite: 2985 - 2996

Gamified Hacking Offence Simulation-based Training (GHOST)

König, Johannes Alexander ; Völker, Veronika ; Wolf, Martin R. ; Schuba, Marko (2016)
Crisis Prevention. Bonn : Beta. 2016 (2016), H. 3. Seite: 44 - 46

Backtrack5: Datensammlung und Reporterstellung für Pentester mit MagicTree

Schuba, Marko ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm (2012)
Hakin9. . 73 (2012), H. 3. Seite: 12 - 16

Smartphone Forensik

Schuba, Marko ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schaefer, Thomas (2012)
Hakin9 : Practical Protection. . (2012). Seite: 10 - 20

Windows Phone 7 from a Digital Forensics’ Perspective

Schaefer, Thomas ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2011)
Berlin : Springer. (2011).

Forensic Analysis of Geodata in Android Smartphones

Maus, Stefan ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2011)
Seite: 1 - 11

Pioneering Advanced Mobile Privacy and Security

Hulsebosch, R. J. ; Günther, C. ; Horn, C. ; Holtmanns, S. ; Howker, K. ; Paterson, K. ; Claessens, J. ; Schuba, Marko (2004)
Security for mobility. London : Institution of Electrical Engineers. (2004). - XXV, 440 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 383 - 432

Internet ID – Flexible Reuse of Mobile Phone Authentication Security for Service Access / Schuba, Marko ; Gerstenberger, Volker, ; Lahaije, Paul

Schuba, Marko ; Gerstenberger, Volker ; Lahaije, Paul (2004)
Seite: 1 - 7

Pioneering Advanced Mobile Privacy and Security

Claessens, J. ; Fuchsberger, A. ; Günther, C. ; Horn, G. ; Howker, K. ; Hulsebosch, R.J. ; Mitchell, C. ; Paterson, K. ; Preneel, B. ; Schellekens, D. ; Schuba, Marko (2003)
Seite: 1 - 17

Unambiguous Device Identification and Fast Connection Setup in Bluetooth / Busboom, Axel ; Herwono, Ian ; Schuba, Marko ; Zavagli, Guido

Schuba, Marko ; Busboom, Axel ; Herwono, Ian ; Zavagli, Guido (2002)
European wireless 2002 : next generation wireless networks: technologies, protocols, services and applications ; technical sessions: 26 - 28 February 2002, tutorials: 25 February 2002, Centro Affari, Florence, Italy ; proceedings / sponsored by EUREL ... General chair: Luciano Lenzini. Seite: 1 - 5

Security for Mobile Commerce Applications / Schuba, Marko ; Wrona, Konrad

Schuba, Marko ; Wrona, Konrad (2001)
Seite: 1 - 8

Mobile Payments - State of the Art and Open Problems / Wrona, Konrad ; Schuba, Marko ; Zavagli, Guido

Schuba, Marko ; Wrona, Konrad ; Zavagli, Guido (2001)
Electronic commerce : second international workshop ; proceedings / WELCOM 2001, Heidelberg, Germany, November 16-17, 2001. Ludger Fiege ... (ed.). Berlin : Springer. (2001). Seite: 88 - 100

Performance evaluation of multicast communication in packet-switched networks / Schuba, Marko ; Haverkort, Boudewijn R. ; Schneider, Gaby

Schuba, Marko ; Haverkort, Boudewijn R. ; Schneider, Gaby (2000)
Performance Evaluation. 39 (2000), H. 1-4. Seite: 61 - 80

Mobile Chip Electronic Commerce: Enabling Credit Card Payment for Mobile Devices / Schuba, Marko ; Wrona, Konrad

Schuba, Marko ; Wrona, Konrad (2000)
Seite: 1 - 6

Interconnection of Local Area Networks via ATM / Spaniol, Otto ; Schuba, Marko

Schuba, Marko ; Spaniol, Otto (1999)
High performance networks for multimedia applications / edited by André Danthine .... Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publ.. (1999). - XI, 185 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 1 - 10

Analysis of Feedback Error Control Schemes for Block Based Video Communication / Meggers, Jens ; Schuba, Marko

Schuba, Marko (1999)

Analyse der Antwortzeit von zuverlässigen Multicast-Protokollen im Internet

Schuba, Marko (1999)
Multicast - Protokolle und Anwendungen : 20. - 21. Mai 1999, Braunschweig; 1. GI-Workshop / [Workshop-Leitung: Martina Zitterbart ...]. Braunschweig. (1999). - VIII, 198 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 1 - 14

Performance Analysis of Reliable Multicast Mechanisms for Widely Spread Distributed Applications in the Internet

Schuba, Marko (1999)
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications : PDPTA '99 ; June 28 - July 1, 1999, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA / ed.: Hamid R. Arabnia. Seite: 1 - 7

Electronic Commerce Transactions in a Wireless Environment / Schuba, Marko. ; Wrona, Konrad

Schuba, Marko ; Wrona, Konrad (1999)
Seite: 1 - 9

On large-scale reliable multicast protocols / Schuba, M. ; Reichl, P.

Schuba, Marko ; Reichl, Peter (1998)
6th IEE Conference on Telecommunications. Seite: 133 - 137

An Analysis of Retransmission Strategies for Reliable Multicast Protocols / Schuba, M. ; Reichl, P.

Schuba, Marko ; Reichl, Peter (1998)
Performance of information and communication systems : IFIP TC 6,WG 6.3 Seventh International Conference on Performance of Information and Communication Systems (PICS '98), 25 - 28 May, Lund, Sweden / ed. by Ulf Körner .... London : Chapman Hall. (1998). - VII, 348 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 1 - 12

SRMT-a scalable and reliable multicast transport protocol

Schuba, Marko (1998)
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1998. ICC 98. Vol. 1. Seite: 612 - 616

QNA-MC: A Performance Evaluation Tool for Communication Networks with Multicast Data Streams / Schneider, G. ; Schuba, M. ; Haverkort, B. R.

Schuba, Marko ; Schneider, Gaby ; Haverkort, Boudewijn R. (1998)
Computer Performance Evaluation - Modelling Techniques and Tools / Puigjaner, Ramon (eds.). Berlin : Springer. (1998). - XIII, 376 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 105 - 116

Simulative Performance Evaluation of the Temporary Pseudonym Method for Protecting Location Information in GSM Networks / Reichl, P. ; Kesdogan, D. ; Junghärtchen, K. ; Schuba, M.

Schuba, Marko ; Reichl, Peter ; Kesdogan, Dogan ; Junghärtchen, Klaus (1998)
Computer Performance Evaluation - Modelling Techniques and Tools / Puigjaner, Ramon (eds.). Berlin : Springer. (1998). - XIII, 376 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 105 - 116

A Performance Evaluation of Connectionless Overlay Networks for ATM

Schuba, Marko (1997)
INFOCOM ´97. Sixteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings Vol. 1. Seite: 152 - 158

How to Model Complex Periodic Traffic with TES / Reichl, Peter ; Schuba, Marko ; Hoff, Simon

Schuba, Marko ; Reichl, Peter ; Hoff, Simon (1997)
Proc. of 13th United Kingdom Workshop on Performance Engineering, Edinburgh, UK, July 1997. Seite: 17/1 - 17/11

How to Place Connectionless Servers in ATM Networks / Schuba, Marko ; Reichl, Peter

Schuba, Marko ; Reichl, Peter (1996)
Proc. of Fourth IFIP Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks. Seite: 09/1 - 09/10

Performance Investigations of the IP Multicast Architecture / Hermanns, Oliver ; Schuba, Marko

Schuba, Marko ; Hermanns, Oliver (1995)
Performance of the IP Multicast Achitecture . Proceedings JENC 6. Proceedings of the 6th Joint European Networking Conference, Tel Aviv. Seite: 121-1 - 121-8

Modellierung von Multicastmechanismen zur Unterstützung von Gruppenkommunikation / Schuba, Marko ; Hermanns, Oliver

Schuba, Marko ; Hermanns, Oliver (1994)
Neue Konzepte für die offene verteilte Verarbeitung : Tagungsband des 1. Arbeitstreffens an der RWTH Aachen, 5. September 1994 / Hrsg. des Bd.: Claudia Popien und Bernd Meyer. Aachen : Verl. der Augustinus-Buchh.. (1994). - VI, 162 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 137 - 147


Digital forensics triage app for android

Neth, Jannik ; Schuba, Marko ; Brodkorb, Karsten ; Neugebauer, Georg ; Höner, Tim ; Hack, Sacha (2023)
ARES '23: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. : ACM 2023. - 6 Seiten
ARES 2023: The 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. August 29 - September 1, 2023. Benevento, Italy.

Security analysis of the KNX smart building protocol

Küppers, Malte ; Schuba, Marko ; Neugebauer, Georg ; Höner, Tim ; Hack, Sacha (2023)
ARES '23: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. : ACM 2023. Seite: 1 - 7
ARES 2023: The 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. August 29 - September 1, 2023. Benevento, Italy. Article No.: 87

An ICS Honeynet for Detecting and Analyzing Cyberattacks in Industrial Plants

Schuba, Marko ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Linzbach, Sophie (2022)
2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). : IEEE 2022. - 6 Seiten
2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). 09-10 December 2021. Cape Town, South Africa.

Towards in-network security for smart homes

Serror, Martin ; Henze, Martin ; Hack, Sacha ; Schuba, Marko ; Wehrle, Klaus (2018)
13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2018; Hamburg; Germany; 27 August 2018 through 30 August 2018. 2018. Seite: Article numer 3232802

Future critical infrastructure and security - cyberattacks on charging stations

Christian, Esser ; Montag, Tim ; Schuba, Marko ; Allhof, Manuel (2018)
31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference (EVS31 & EVTeC 2018). Tokyo : Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE) 2018. Seite: 665 - 671

Security Analysis of the ADS Protocol of a Beckhoff CX2020 PLC

Schwanke, Peter ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2017)
2017. Seite: 1 - 5
International Conference on Computer, Network Security and Communication Engineering (CNSCE 2017), March 26-27, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand

Intrusion Detection of the ICS Protocol EtherCAT

Granat, Andreas ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2017)
2017. Seite: 1 - 5
International Conference on Computer, Network Security and Communication Engineering (CNSCE 2017), March 26-27, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand

Risiko Smart Home – Angriff auf ein Babymonitorsystem

Bonney, Gregor ; Nagel, Stefan ; Schuba, Marko (2016)
Proceedings of DACH Security 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 2016. 2016. Seite: 371 - 378

IT-forensische Erkennung modifizierter Android-Apps

Becker, Sebastian ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schütz, Philip ; Schuba, Marko (2016)
Proceedings of DACH Security 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 2016. 2016. Seite: 120 - 125

Streamlining extraction and analysis of android RAM images

Broenner, Simon ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2016)
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on information systems security and privacy. 2016. Seite: 255 - 264

Cold Boot Attacks on DDR2 and DDR3 SDRAM

Lindenlauf, Simon ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2015)
10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) 2015. 2015. Seite: 287 - 292

ICS/SCADA Security - Analysis of a Beckhoff CX5020 PLC

Bonney, Gregor ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Paffen, Benedikt ; Schuba, Marko (2015)
1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy : ICISSP 2015. 2015. Seite: 1 - 6

Forensische Sicherung von DSLRoutern

Braun, Sebastian ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko ; Breuer, Michael (2015)
Proceedings of D-A-CH Security 2015. St. Augustin 8. und 9. September 2015. 2015. - 11 S.

IT-Sicherheit im Automobil

Hartung, Frank ; Hillgärtner, Michael ; Schmitz, Günter ; Schuba, Marko ; Adolphs, Fabian ; Hoffend, Jens ; Theis, Jochen (2014)
AmE 2014 : Automotive meets Electronics, Beiträge der 5. GMM-Fachtagung vom 18. bis 19. Februar 2014 in Dortmund. (GMM-Fachbericht ; 78). Berlin : VDE-Verl. 2014. - 6 S.Seite: CD-ROM

Malware proof on mobile phone exhibits based on GSM/GPRS traces

Schütz, P. ; Breuer, M. ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2013)
The Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Peacefare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec 2013) : 04.03. - 06.03.2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. : The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication 2013. Seite: 89 - 96

Artificial ageing of mobile devices using a simulated GSM/GPRS network

Stöbe, Rolf ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko ; Breuer, Michael (2013)
Eighth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) : 2-6 Sept. 2013, Regensburg. : IEEE 2013. Seite: 493 - 497

Simplifying RAM Forensics : A GUI and Extensions for the Volatility Framework

Logen, Steffen ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2012)
2012 Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 20-24 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. New York : IEEE 2012. Seite: 620 - 624