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Civil Engineering Dual

Study and gain qualified work experience at the same time

The Faculty of Civil Engineering also offers the possibility of dual studies, so that you can directly combine training and studies. Interested students acquire knowledge from both practical work experience and their chosen degree programme. You get to know the world of work and the university in equal measure and acquire two state-recognised degrees after four and a half years.
The "Dual Civil Engineering" degree programme meets the increased demand from companies to employ graduates with both vocational training and a university degree. By combining studies and vocational training, students should recognise the practical benefits of the technical and methodological skills taught at the university at an early stage, but also bring practical issues from vocational training into the university curriculum.

Degree Programme Civil Engineering B.Eng. (dual study programme)

Civil Engineering
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each winter semester
Prescribed Period of Study

9 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language

directly to FH Aachen

Possible postgraduate Master's Programmes at the FH Aachen

Civil Engineering M.Eng. or Facility Management M.Eng., Lehramt BK - Teacher at a Vocational College (Berufskolleg) in the Technical-Industrial Field

Similar Degree Programmes

Timber Engineering B.Eng. Dual Study Programme

Broschüre Bauingenieurwesen

Displaying results 1 to 1 out of 1
Page 1

Examination Regulations

Flyer on the dual study programme in Civil Engineering

News from the study programme

FHStart Dual 2023 - Information about the start of your studies

study schedule

Vocational training at the company begins in August. In the first year (1st and 2nd semesters), students spend all their time at the company to familiarise themselves with the practical side of the business. From the 3rd semester, the time at the university begins, which consists of six semesters of study. During the lecture-free period, which is usually in February and March or in August and September of each year, the students continue their vocational training in the company. At the end of the 7th semester, the final vocational training examination is taken at the responsible chamber. After the vocational degree, two more semesters of study follow. The last semester is reserved for the 10-week practical project, the Bachelor's thesis and a colloquium.

Diagram showing the chronological sequence of the study progress

Programme content

Note | In the first year of dual studies, students are usually in the company and attend vocational school. In the second year (third semester), they then begin their studies at FH Aachen.

Bauingenieurwesen (Prüfungsordnung gültig ab WS 18/19)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

1.-4. Semester

1. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
210010 Mathematik 1 P 6 4 2 2 0 8
210020 Mechanik 1 P 6 4 2 2 0 8
210030 Bauverfahrenstechnik P 4 2 2 1 0 5
210040 Bauphysik und Energietechnik P 6 2 2 2 0 6
220010 Baustoffkunde P 4 2 2 1 0 5
220020 CAD und Bauinformatik P 4 2 2 1 0 5
2. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
220030 Mathematik 2 P 4 2 2 1 0 5
220040 Mechanik 2 P 6 4 2 2 0 8
220050 Baukonstruktion P 6 3 3 2 0 8
220010 Baustoffkunde P 4 2 2 1 0 5
220020 CAD und Bauinformatik P 4 1 2 1 0 4
220060 Vermessungskunde P 6 2 2 2 0 6
3. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
230010 Bodenmechanik P 5 3 3 1 0 7
230020 BWL und Baurecht P 5 4 2 1 0 7
230030 Baustatik 1 P 4 2 2 2 0 6
230040 Massivbau 1 P 6 4 2 1 0 7
230050 Entwurfsgrundlagen Straße und Schiene P 6 2 2 1 0 5
230060 Hydromechanik P 4 2 2 1 0 5
4. Semester

Vertiefungsrichtung Baubetrieb 5.-7. Semester

5. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250110 Bauorganisation und Arbeitssicherheit P 4 4 2 0 0 6
250120 Baukalkulation P 6 4 2 0 0 6
250130 Hoch- und Tiefbautechnik P 6 4 2 0 0 6
250140 EDV im Baubetrieb P 4 0 4 0 0 4
250210 Baustatik 2 P 6 4 2 1 0 7
2506xx Allgemeine Kompetenzen P 4 - - - - 0
6. Semester Pflichtmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
260110 Baustellenmanagement P 4 3 1 0 0 4
260250 Gebäudetechnik P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260120 Management von Bauprojekten P 6 0 2 4 0 6
260170 Building Information Modelling (BIM) P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260xxx Wahlmodule (Liste B) P 12 - - - - 0
6. Semester Wahlmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250540 Erd- und Tunnelstatik W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260270 Betontechnologie W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260240 Bauphysik W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260260 Brandschutz W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260180 Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260130 Schlüsselfertiges Bauen W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260140 Baubetriebliches Seminar W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260150 Grundlagen Facility Management W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260160 Energieeffizientes Bauen W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260280 Baukonstruktionen im Bestand W 4 2 2 0 0 4
7. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
Praxisprojekt 0 0 0 0 0
Bachelorarbeit 0 0 0 0 0
Kolloquium 0 0 0 0 0

Vertiefungsrichtung Konstr. Ingenieurbau 5.-7. Semester

5. Semester Pflichtmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250210 Baustatik 2 P 6 4 2 1 0 7
250220 Massivbau 2 P 6 3 3 1 0 7
250230 Stahlbau 2 P 6 4 2 1 0 7
250240 Holzbau 2 P 4 2 2 1 0 5
250xxx Wahlmodul (Liste K) W 4 - - - 0 0
2506xx Allgemeine Kompetenzen P 4 - - - - 0
5. Semester Wahlmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250280 FEM im Massivbau W 4 2 2 0 0 4
250260 EDV im Stahlbau W 4 2 2 0 0 4
250540 Erd- und Tunnelstatik W 4 2 2 0 0 4
250270 Tragwerksplanung am Praxisbeispiel W 4 2 2 0 0 4
253130 CAD im Holzbau W 4 2 2 0 0 4
6. Semester Pflichtmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
260210 Massivbau 3 P 6 3 3 1 0 7
260220 Stahlbau 3 P 4 3 1 0 0 4
260230 Holzbau 3 P 4 2 2 1 0 5
260240 Bauphysik P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260250 Gebäudetechnik P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260260 Brandschutz P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260xxx Wahlmodul (Liste K) W 4 - - - 0 0
6. Semester Wahlmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250260 EDV im Stahlbau W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260270 Betontechnologie W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260150 Grundlagen im Facility Management W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260160 Energieeffizientes Bauen W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260280 Baukonstruktionen im Bestand W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260290 BIM im Massivbau W 4 2 2 0 0 4
7. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
Praxisprojekt 0 0 0 0 0
Bachelorarbeit 0 0 0 0 0
Kolloquium 0 0 0 0 0

Vertiefungsrichtung Verkehrswesen 5.-7. Semester

5. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250310 Stadtverkehr P 8 2 4 0 0 6
250320 Öffentlicher Verkehr P 6 2 2 1 0 5
250330 Straßenplanung P 6 2 2 1 0 5
250340 Statistik im Verkehrswesen P 6 2 2 0 0 4
2506xx Allgemeine Kompetenzen P 4 - - - - 0
6. Semester Pflichtmodul
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
260310 Straßenbau und Gleisbau P 4 1 2 1 0 4
260320 Bahnanlagen P 6 2 2 1 0 5
260xxx Wahlmodule (Lite V) W 20 - - - - 0
6. Semester Wahlmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
260330 Umweltplanung im Straßenwesen W 6 2 2 0 0 4
260340 Achsabsteckung im Straßenwesen und GIS W 6 2 4 0 0 6
260350 Verkehrserhebungen W 4 1 3 0 0 4
260360 Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsmanagement W 4 0 1 0 0 1
86xxxx Module aus dem BA-Studiengang Schienenfahrzeugtechnik (FB 8) W 10 - - - - 0
7. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
Praxisprojekt 0 0 0 0 0
Bachelorarbeit 0 0 0 0 0
Kolloquium 0 0 0 0 0

Vertiefungsrichtung Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft 5.-7. Semester

5. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250410 Wasserbau P 6 4 2 0 0 6
250420 Hydrologie P 4 2 2 0 0 4
250430 Siedlungswasserwirtschaft P 8 4 4 0 0 8
250440 Abfallwirtschaft P 8 4 4 0 0 8
Allgemeine Kompetenzen P 4 - - - - 0
6. Semester Pflichtmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
260410 Flussgebietsbewirtschaftung P 6 2 2 0 0 4
260420 Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz P 6 2 4 2 0 8
260430 Rückbau und Recycling P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260440 Wasserwirtschaftliche Planung P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260450 Planung, Bau und Instandhaltung von Kanalnetzen P 6 4 2 0 0 6
260xxx Wahlmodule (Lite W) W 4 - - - - 0
6. Semester Wahlmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
260180 Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260150 Grundlagen Facility Management W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260160 Energieeffizientes Bauen W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260460 Sondergebiete Abfallwirtschaft W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260250 Gebäudetechnik W 4 2 2 0 0 4
7. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
Praxisprojekt 0 0 0 0 0
Bachelorarbeit 0 0 0 0 0
Kolloquium 0 0 0 0 0

Vertiefungsrichtung Netzmanagement 5.-7. Semester

5. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250510 Gas-, Wasser- und Fernwärmenetze P 6 4 2 0 0 6
250520 Strom- und Telekommunikationsnetze P 6 4 1 0 0 5
250530 Entwässerungssysteme P 4 2 2 0 0 4
250540 Erd- und Tunnelstatik P 4 2 2 0 0 4
250xxx Wahlmodule (Lite N) W 6 - - - - 0
Allgemeine Kompetenzen P 4 - - - - 0
5. Semester Wahlmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
250130 Hoch- und Tiefbautechnik W 6 4 2 0 0 6
250330 Straßenplanung W 6 2 2 1 0 5
250540 Erd- und Tunnelstatik W 4 2 2 0 0 4
6. Semester Pflichtmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
260510 Netzmanagement und Betrieb P 6 4 2 0 0 6
260520 Instandsetzung und Sanierung P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260530 Rohrstatik und Festigkeitslehre P 8 4 2 0 0 6
260250 Gebäudetechnik P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260540 Einbau und Verlegung von Rohr- und Kabelleitungen P 4 2 2 0 0 4
260xxx Wahlmodule (Lite N) W 4 - - - - 0
6. Semester Wahlmodule
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
260180 Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260160 Energieeffizientes Bauen W 4 2 2 0 0 4
260170 Building Information Modelling (BIM) W 4 2 2 0 0 4
7. Semester
Modulbezeichnung P/W Credits V Ü P S SWS Bem
Praxisprojekt 0 0 0 0 0
Bachelorarbeit 0 0 0 0 0
Kolloquium 0 0 0 0 0
Abkürzungen: V = Vorlesung, Ü = Übung, P = Praktikum, S = Seminar, seminaristischer Unterricht
P = Pflichtmodul, W = Wahlmodul SWS = Semesterwochenstunden
x = variable Stundenzahl, abhängig vom jeweiligen Modul oder persönlicher Leistung


Admission requirements

To be able to study Civil Engineering Dual with us, you need:

1. university entrance qualification (HZB) in one of these forms:

  • Certificate of general university entrance qualification (Abitur)
  • Entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences

2. training contract

In addition to the university entrance qualification, a training place as a

  • Concrete and reinforced concrete worker,
  • bricklayer,
  • road builder,
  • draughtsman,
  • surveying technician
  • technical system planner

with a co-operation partner of FH Aachen is a prerequisite for a place at university. If you are interested in another study-related training occupation, please contact us. The training company must have concluded a cooperation agreement with FH Aachen. A list of current co-operation partners and training occupations can be found below. If you would like to submit an application to a company that is not yet a cooperation partner of FH Aachen, it is possible to conclude a cooperation agreement. Simply contact us.


Application procedure

Applications for the Civil Engineering Dual programme are made online. The FH Aachen application portal is usually open from mid-May to 15 July.

  1. Applyingfor a training place
    Applications for a training place as part of the Civil Engineering Dual study programme are usually submitted to a cooperating company one year before the start of training. Applicants go through the selection process for a place at university and are recommended for a place by the cooperating company.
  2. Application for a place at university
    In the second step, you must formally apply for a place on the Civil Engineering Dual programme via the FH Aachen application portal (for the winter semester).

More information about the application

We have summarised all the information about the application process for you under the following link. Regardless of whether you would like to apply with or without a (university entrance) qualification, whether you are coming to us from abroad or would like to transfer to FH Aachen from another university - you will find precise details on the respective application steps here.

Application to the FH Aachen

Our cooperation partners

City of Aachen | Division V

Aureliusstrasse 30 | 52064 Aachen

Contact: Ms Birgit Krott

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Tel. 0241 432-11230


Aachen City Works

Madrider Ring 20 | 52078 Aachen

Contact: Ms Anna Karina von der Laage

Apprenticeship: Road builder

Tel. 0241/ 4 32 -18100


Alfons Henn & Söhne GmbH & Co.KG

Federal road 45 | 52152 Simmerath

Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Roland Henn

Apprenticeship: bricklayer or concrete and reinforced concrete worker

Tel. 024 73 / 40 21

To the company website Alfons Henn &Söhne


Andreas Rütt and Hildegard Pfenningsberg

Am Kopmann 16 | 53909 Zülpich

Contact: Mr. Andreas Rütt

Apprenticeship: Bricklayer

Phone: 02425/7170


Augel GmbH

Windkaulweg 1 | 56745 Weibern

Contact: Ms Sabine Holzem

Apprenticed profession: bricklayer

Phone: 02655 9500 31

To the company website Augel GmbH


Construction company Gschwandtner

Wiesenstraße 1a [52152 Simmerath

Contact: Mr Bert Gschwandtner


Telephone: 02473 93 75 21


Hildebrandt Construction Company

Löherstraße 52 | 53773 Hennef

Contact: Mr Alexander Hildebrandt

Training occupation: Concrete and reinforced concrete worker

Telephone: 02242/81864


Construction company Rolf Cleven GmbH & Co KG

Heilderfeld 1 | 52538 Selfkant-Saeffelen

Contact person: Mr Cleven

Occupation: Concrete and reinforced concrete builder and bricklayer

To the company website Bauunternehmung Rolf Cleven


Beermann Drilling Technology GmbH

Heinrich-Niemeyer-Strasse 50 48477 | Hörstel-Riesenbeck

Occupation: Pipe fitter

To thecompany website Beermann Bohrtechnik


BFT Planning GmbH

Im Süsterfeld 1 | 52072 Aachen

Contact: Ms Sabrina Schreiber

Occupation: draughtsman

To thecompany website BFT Planung


BIS Heinrich Scheven GmbH

Max-Planck-Strasse 77 | 40699 Erkrath

Contact: Ms Stefanie Hirschberg

Occupation: Pipe fitter

To the company website BIS Heinrich Scheven



Im Gansbruch 27 | 52441 Linnich

Contact: Mr. Dietmar Frenken

Occupation: Surveying technician, architectural draughtsman

To the company website BLANDFORT Bau


Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW (Applications for the Aachen site)

Mercedesstraße 12 | 40470 Düsseldorf

Contact: Ms Stefanie Ezenwokedi

Telephone: 0211-61700-910

To the company website Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW

(A practice-integrating dual studies programme is offered at BLB-NRW)



Sohlweg 76 | 41372 Niederkrüchten

Contact:Ms Marita Wolfhagen

Telephone: 02163/888540

To the BMS company website


Manfred Breuer Engineering Company mbH & Co KG

Monschauer Street 34a | 52152 Simmerath

Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Carsten Wimmer

Telephone: 02473 9644-27

To the company website Manfred Breuer Ingenieurgesellschaft


Brokop Steel Construction Ltd.

Hohweg 4 | 28219 Bremen

Contact: Mr. Michael Schnibbe

Telephone: 49 0421 383326

To thecompany website Brokop Stahlbau


Canönde Civil Engineering GmbH

Am Giezenbach 27 | 50374 Erfstadt

Contact: Mr. Christoph Valdor

Occupation: Road builder

Telephone: 02235/929244

To the company website Canönde Tiefbau


Carpus+Partner AG

Forckenbeckstraße 61 | 52074 Aachen

Contact: Ms Silke Groeteclaes

Occupation: Technical systems planner

To thecompany website Carpus+Partner


Centroplan GmbH

Am Pannhaus 2-10 | 52511 Geilenkirchen

Contact: Mr Klaus Reinartz

Occupation: Draughtsman/draftswoman

To thecompany website Centroplan


Circet Germany GmbH

At the stadium 3b | 40878 Ratingen

Contact: Ms Nicole Kaldenhoff-Jost

Tel. 02102-929954-38

Apprenticeship: draughtsman/draughtswoman

To the company website Circet Germany


DEA Systembau GmbH

Piepersberg 38 | 42653 Solingen

Contact: Ms Eleonore Richter

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Tel. 0212 64 55 06-15

To the DEA Systembau company website


Derichs and Konertz GmbH & Co. KG

Oranienstr. 27-31 [52066 Aachen

Contact: Ms Dignanllely Meurer

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Telephone: 0241/51808-69

To the company website Derichs und Konertz


Dieter Tombers GmbH

Am Stadion 3b | 40878 Ratingen

Contact: Ms Nina Krüsmann

Occupation: Road builder

To the company website Dieter Tombers dieter-tombers.de


Doms Kabel- und Kanalbau GmbH

Karl-Ulitzka-Str. 7 [51373 Leverkusen

Occupation: Pipe fitter

To the company website Doms Kabel- und Kanalbau


Doser Kempen Krause Engineers GmbH

Uersfeld 24 | 52072 Aachen

Contact: Ms Heike Lafeld

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Telephone: 0241 475709 228

To the company website Doser Kempen Krause Ingenieure


Dr.-Ing. Spitz Engineering Company for Structural Engineering mbH

Schillingstraße 1a | 53879 Euskirchen

Contact: Ms Isabel Spitz

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Telephone: 49 22 51 / 81 08 - 17

To the company website Dr.-Ing. Spitz Ingenieurgesellschaft für Trag werksplanung mbH


Hermann Engelen Construction Company GmbH & Co KG

Am Boscheler Berg 32 | 52134 Herzogenrath

Contact: Ms. Heike Herma

Apprenticeship: bricklayer or concrete and reinforced concrete worker

Telephone: 02406 - 6087

To the company website Hermann Engelen Bauunternehmnung


e-regio GmbH & Co KG

Rheinbacher Weg 10 | 53881 Euskirchen

Contact person: Mr. Hecker

Telephone: 02251/708 - 124

To the company website e-regio


Frissen & Zohren GmbH

Alte Zollstr. 26 - 28 | 41372 Niederkrüchten - Elmpt

Contact person: Daniel Erdmann

Telephone 02163 88 96 96

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

To the company website Frissen & Zohren


Frauenrath Bauunternehmen GmbH

Industriestraße 50 | 52525 Heinsberg

Contact: Ms Gabriele Bautz

Apprenticed profession: road builder

To the company website Frauenrath Bauunternehmen


Florack Bauunternehmung GmbH

Siemensstraße 13 | 52525 Heinsberg

Contact: Ms Martina Brehm

Occupation requiring training: draughtsman (m/f)

To the company website Florack Bauunternehmung


EUROVIA Teerbau GmbH - Cologne Branch Office

Bergische Allee 11a | 53842 Troisdorf-Spich

Occupation: Road builder

To the company website EUROVIA Teerbau


Franz-Josef Braun GmbH & Co KG

Am Südhang 9 | 53894 Mechernich

Contact: Mr. Rainer Braun

Occupation: Road builder

To the company website Franz-Josef Braun



Paulinenweg 6 | 51149 Cologne

Contact person: Mr. Morina

Telephone: 02203/1867 427

To thecompany website G M BAUMANAGEMENT


Gebr. Reuber GmbH & Co KG

Ernst-Abbe-Strasse 7-9 | 52477 Alsdorf

Contact: Mr. Kreuer

Occupation: Road builder

Telephone: 02404/55160-0

To the company website Gebr. Reuber


Gerhard Rode Pipeline Construction GmbH & Co KG

Schleebrüggenkamp 2 [48159 Münster

Occupation: Pipe fitter

To the company website Gerhard Rode Rohrleitungsbau



Hasselholzer Weg 22 | 52074 Aachen

Contact: Dr. Bertram

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Telephone: +49 241 707055

To the company website GRAWE + BERTRAM INGENIEURE


Gillessen Frères sprl

Om Knupp 5 | L - 9991 Weiswampach

Occupation: Concrete and reinforced concrete worker, bricklayer

Telephone: +352 26 95 67

To the company website Gillessen Frères sprl


Herten & Sohn Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co KG

Am Parir 9 - 11 | 52379 Langerwehe

Apprenticeship: bricklayer or concrete and reinforced concrete worker

Contact: Ms Annette Herten
T 02423 2014

To the company website Herten & Sohn Bauunternehmnung


H. W. Gottschalk GmbH

Waldhufenweg 108 [52525 Heinsberg

Contact: Ms. Elsbeth Kofferath

Occupation: Road builder

Telephone: 024 52 - 22016

To the company website H.W. Gottschalk


Hagmans+Baldeau GmbH

Haagscher Weg 2b | 47623 Kevelaer

Tel. 02832/505581

Email: info(at)hagmans-baldeau-gmbh.de

Apprenticed profession: pipe fitter


Hermann & Co. construction company GmbH

Bismarckstraße 34a [52066 Aachen

Contact: Mr. Harald Weiß

Occupation: Road builder

To the company website Hermann &Co Bauunternehmmungen


Helmut Uhrig Road Construction and Civil Engineering GmbH

Am Roten Kreuz 2 | 78187 Geisingen

Contact: Ms Christina Wiggenhauser

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Telephone: 49 7704 806-34

To the company website Helmut Uhrig Straßen- und Tiefbau


H.-K. Jansen GmbH & Co. KG

Luxemburger Str. 13 | 41812 Erkelenz

Contact: Mrs. Lizette Reitzenstein

Apprenticeship: concrete and reinforced concrete builder

Telephone: 02431-2204

To the company website H.-K. Jansen


Höhler + Partner

Sonnenweg 11 a | 52070 Aachen

Contact: Ms. Michaelis

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Telephone: 49 241 1809-125

To the Höhler + Partner company website


Horlemann Pipeline and Plant Construction GmbH

Horlemannplatz 1 | 47589 Udem

Training occupation: Pipe fitter

Telephone: 02825 890

To the Horlemann Rohrleitungs- und Anlagenbau company website


HP Molls GmbH & Co KG

Rodebachstraße 23 | 52538 Gangelt

Contact: Ms Josefine Molls

Apprenticeship: Bricklayer

Telephone: 02454-938376

To the company website HP Molls


Ingenaix GmbH

Schurzelter Str. 27 [52074 Aachen

Contact: Mr. Felix Common

Tel. 0241 894 918 4-0

To thecompany website Ingenaix GmbH


Engineering office for civil engineering Jörg Berger

Lise- Meitner- Str. 2 | 52511 Geilenkirchen

Contact: Mr. Berger

To the company website Ingenieurbüro für Bauwesen Jörg Berger


Engineering Office Lürkens for Static and Building Physics Calculations

Lise- Meitner-Straße 2 | 52511 Geilenkirchen

Contact person: Mr. Lürkens

Telephone: 02451/4845486

To the company website Ingenieurbüro Lürkens for structural and building physics calculations


Engineering office H. Berg & Partner GmbH

Industrial park Brand 48 | 52078 Aachen

Contact: Ms Tina Hick

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

To the company website Ingenieurbüro H. Berg & Partner


Engineering company Dr. Ing. Nacken mbH

Leonhardstraße 23-27 | 52064 Aachen

Contact: Dr. Matthias Kufeld / Ms Roskam

Phone: +49 241/94 26 17 - 0

Apprenticeship occupation: draughtsman/draftswoman

To the company website Ingenieurgesellschaft Dr. Ing. Nacken


Jasper Tief- und Straßenbau GmbH

Engelsberg 9 | 52525 Heinsberg

Contact:Mr. Maik Jasper

Profession: Road builder


To the company website Jasper Tief- und Straßenbau


Junggeburth GmbH & Co. KG

Ottostr. 4 A | 50259 Pulheim

Contact: Mr. Wolfgang Junggeburth

Apprenticed profession: road builder

T.: 02238 809560

To the Junggeburth company websitehttp://www.gebr-junggeburth.de/


Kleszewski + Partner Architekten

Poststraße 84-86 | 41516 Grevenbroich

Contact: Mr. Birk Kleszczewski

Apprenticeship occupation: draughtsman

Phone: 49 2181/7 23 69

To the company website Kleszewski + Partner Architekten


Düren District Administration - Main Office

Bismarckstraße 16 | 52351 Düren

Contact: Ms Elisa Nierbeck

Apprenticeship: road builder or draughtsman

Telephone: 49 2421/22-2478

To the company website District Administration Düren - Main Office



Willi-Bleicher-street 18-20 [52353 Düren

Contact: Mr. Stephan Krings

Apprenticed profession: draughtsman

To the company website KRINGS & SIEGER


Leonhardt, Andrä and Partner, Consulting Engineers VBI AG

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 38 [50672 Cologne

Contact: Mr. Uwe Häberle

Apprenticeship: Architectural draughtsman

Telephone: 0221/379 967-21

To the company website Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner, Consulting Engineers VBI


LTG mbH & Co KG

Bataverstrasse 86 [41462 Neuss

Occupation: Pipe fitter

To the LTG company website


Lück+Wahlen Construction Company GmbH & Co. KG

Glashüttenstraße 4 | 52349 Düren

Occupation: Pipe fitter

To thecompany website Lück+Wahlen Baugesellschaft


Lützeler - Prick GmbH

Brockenberg 23 | 52223 Stolberg

Contact: Mr. Peter Prick

Occupation: Road builder

Telephone: 02402/25703

To the company website Lützeler - Prick Bauunternehmnung


Odenkirchener Strasse 201 | 41236 Mönchengladbach

Contact: Mr. Markus Schmidt

Apprenticeship: Construction draughtsman or surveying technician

Phone: 02166 6882755

To the NEW company website


OTTO PÄHLER Gas and water pipe network construction

Trierer Strasse 361C | 56072 Koblenz

Occupation: Pipe fitter

To thecompany website OTTO PÄHLER Gas- und Wasserrohrnetzbau


PE Becker GmbH

Cologne street 23-25 | 53925 Kall

Contact: Mr. Michael Lorse

Apprenticed profession: draughtsman

Telephone: 49 2441/9990-33

To the PE Becker company website


Peter Dederichs GmbH Construction company

Jülicher Strasse 97-101 | 52249 Eschweiler

Contact: Mr. Peter Dederichs

Occupation: Road builder

To thecompany website Peter Dederichs Bauunternehmen


Philippen Civil Engineering GmbH

Weststraße 46 | 52074 Aachen

Contact: Ms Yvonne Spees

Occupation: Road builder

To thecompany website Philippen Tief bau


POLYGON Baubetreuungs GmbH

Aachener Straße 61 | 41812 Erkelenz

Contact: Mr. Dipl. Ing. (FH) Dietmar Müller

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

To the company website POLYGON Baubetreuungs


Sanders Civil Engineering GmbH & Co KG

Vogelsrather Weg 11 | 41366 Schwalmtal

Contact: Ms Celina Küsters

Apprenticeship: draughtsman/draftswoman, surveying technician, road builder

Tel. 021 63 - 94 29

To the Sanders Tiefbau company website

Lambert Schlun GmbH & Co KG

Lambert-Schlun-Weg 5 | 52538 Gangelt

Contact: Ms Katrin Mondschein

Apprenticeship: bricklayer, concrete and reinforced concrete worker, road builder

Tel. 024 54 - 5 81 - 127

To the company website Lambert Schlun


SCHMELZER - The engineers

Gartenstr. 38 | 52249 Eschweiler

Contact person: Mr. Schmelzer

To thecompany website SCHMELZER - Die Ingenie ure


Municipal Waste Management Korschenbroich

Wankelstraße 21 | 41352 Korschenbroich

Contact: Ms Kristina Rohmann

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Phone: 02161/613-119

To the company website Städtsche Entsorgungsbetriebe Korschenbroich


Solingen public utility company

Beethovenstraße 210 | 42655 Solingen

Contact: Ms. Germund

Telephone: 0212/295-1325

To thecompany website Stadtwerke Solingen


TETZ Engineers

Am Lieberg 40 | 41836 Hückelhoven

Contact: Mr. Christoph Tetz

Apprenticeship: draughtsman/draughtswoman

To the company website TETZ Ingenieure


Theis Consult GmbH

Oppenhoffallee 9-15 | 52066 Aachen

Contact: Mr Kjell Ruppert

Phone: 0241 6052389

Training occupation: Draftsman

To the company website Theis Consult


Günther Voullie' Bauunternehmung GmbH & CO. KG

Annakirchstr. 27 | 41063 Mönchengladbach

Contact: Mr. Patrick Voullié

Occupation: Road builder

Telephone: 49 2161 86097

To the company website Günther Voullie' Bauunternehmung


whp Tiefbaugesellschaft mbH & Co KG

Marie-Bernays-Ring 33 | 41199 Mönchengladbach

Contact: Mr Marc Wählen

Occupation: Road builder

To the company website whp Tiefbaugesellschaft


work@all construction company GmbH & Co. KG

Am Mersheimer Graben 7 | 52391 Vettweiß

Contact: Mr. Matthias Welter

Apprenticeship: draughtsman

Telephone: 02424/2027157

To the company website work@all Baugesellschaft: http: //www.workatall.de/

Partner in dual studies

(Kopie 7)

Are you interested in working with us as part of our dual study programmes? You can find more information on the subject here.


Head of the Civil Engineering Dual study programme

Photo Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Kerres

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Karsten Kerres Professor

Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen
Teaching Subject

Head of the Civil Engineering Dual study programme

Photo Dipl.-Ing. Angela Funke-Kleinken

Angela Funke-Kleinken Wissenschaftliche Angestellte

Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen
Institute - Institut für Baustoffe und Baukonstruktionen (IBB)
Bayernallee 9
Room 02307
52066 Aachen

Central contact for the dual studies programme

Photo  Andreas Beumers M.A.

Andreas Beumers M.A.

Zentralverwaltung - Dezernat V – Innovationstransfer (IVT)
Koordinator für die dualen Studiengänge an der FH Aachen
Kaiserstraße 100
52134 Herzogenrath
further Links