Teaching at a Vocational College
Become a teacher at a vocational college!
As a UAS student of engineering sciences, you can opt for the teaching profession variant of our degree programmes in any semester during your studies and also after completing your Bachelor's degree. This means that you complete courses from the Master of Education at RWTH Aachen University parallel to the Bachelor or instead of regular Bachelor modules. These are recognised for both the FH Bachelor's degree and the RWTH Master's degree. For this you need the so-called cross-registration. This is free of charge for you as a programme participant.
Everything can, nothing must!
By completing Master's modules early and with foresight, you save time if you decide to take the Master of Education at RWTH after your Bachelor's degree. There is no risk, because: Everything can, nothing must. Your full degree as an engineer will not be affected in any way.
- Are you interested in technology and do you enjoy teaching other people?
- Do you want career security, the ability to plan ahead and a profession that is easy to combine with your family and other life goals?
- Are you looking for a profession that you can adapt to different phases of life and not vice versa?
Then the profession of teacher at vocational colleges is an option worth considering for you.
Information on the occupational field
Information on the occupational field of teaching at vocational colleges can be found in the brochure "Der Lehrerberuf am Berufskolleg: Voraussetzungen, Ausbildung, Perspektiven" (The teaching profession at vocational colleges: prerequisites, training, prospects ) published by the Ministry for Schools and Further Training of North Rhine-Westphalia. General information about vocational colleges in North Rhine-Westphalia can be found online at the Education Portal of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Currently cooperating degree programmes
FH Bachelor graduates who are considering joining the Master of Education at RWTH also benefit from the recognition of various academic achievements from one of the cooperating degree programmes:
- B.Eng. Civil Engineering
- B. Eng. Smart Building Engineering*
- B.Eng. Wood Engineering
- B.Eng. Electrical Engineering, Aachen and Jülich
- B. Eng. Aerospace Engineering
- B.Eng. Vehicle and Drive Technology
- B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, Aachen and Jülich
- B. Eng. Rail Vehicle Technology
- B. Eng. Mechatronics
- B. Sc. Industrial Engineering*
- B.Eng. Physics Engineering
- B. Eng. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering PLuS
- B. Sc. Business Studies and Business Studies Praxis Plus*
- a.o.
Under certain conditions, students of other subject areas can also complete the Master of Education. Due to a change in the law regarding the recognition of FH Master's degrees not related to teaching, it is now also possible to enter the teaching profession via an extra-occupational qualification.
*For degree programmes marked with an asterisk, please contact us as early as possible, as the study schedule here requires a lot of counselling.
Please contact us, we will be happy to advise you.
You can find an overview of subjects and study locations nationwide here.
© FH Aachen
Verena Draht M.A.
Zentralverwaltung - Dezernat II - Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten - Dezernat II - Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten / II.3 - Zentrale Studienberatung
Elektrotechnik mit Orientierungssemester (Aachen) (B.Eng.)
University function
Koordination und Beratung - Lehramt an BerufskollegsRoom H 212
52066 Aachen
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